1: Something About A Rainbow - Emily

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Time for another great day

Just like yesterday, and the incredible days before that. Emily slipped out of her bunny pyjamas; their little faces were so worn out you could hardly tell what they were and the baby blue background was harshly faded, but Emily would never throw them away because they were filled with memories, plus, she stopped growing in the fifth grade, so all her old clothes still fit snugly.

Emily had beautiful, cheery brown eyes and dark, chocolatey brown hair. Her button nose and her heart-shaped face clearly came from her mother, but her happy go lucky personality definitely originated from her dad's side.

She hopped out of bed and walked across the hall to the bathroom. Her father was a geologist, and her mother was obsessed with African art, so every wall in the house was littered with colourful masks, handmade statues and rare rocks. Even though her parents had some difficulties and, at the moment, were struggling with money, Emily loved them all the same. When she was five, her father pocketed an emerald from one of his excavations and carved it out himself just for her. Emily's worn it on her neck ever since and has refused to take it off no matter the circumstances.

She walked to the bathroom and started brushing her hair. The ends of her lips pointed upwards, and she couldn't help smiling; the sun was bright, the birds were calling and, oh yeah, today she was going to audition for the school play! This year the play was going to be the Wizard of Oz (a cliche play for a cliche school), and Emily absolutely loved theatre so she, of course, was looking to get the main part.

She had to practise, of course, so she started to hum, and then she began to sing, her absolute most favourite song in the world - Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Sung by the inspirational goddess herself, Judy Garland. Locking her hand onto her almost broken wooden closet's handle, she pulled it open with the most delicate of pulls as she sang to the clothes inside. She wasn't a bad singer, but she definitely wasn't the best; she certainly had some bits she'd have to work on later.

She picked out an outfit at random as she came to the last chorus. She finished the song in a striking pose as she walked out of her room in an old, but comfortable hoodie and a pair of overly ripped jeans. She may not have been a fashionista, but the style certainly worked for her, and honestly, she couldn't bother more about what others thought of her.

After a delicious breakfast of medium-rare bread with cream of cow and strawberry preservatives (her fancy words for toast), taking her adorable dog outside (a golden retriever named Ruby) and doing some morning yoga, she was out of the house and walking to school. She grinned to herself for probably the hundredth time that day.

It was so lovely outside. Emily was lucky enough to live in a neighbourhood just outside the city. There were plenty of trees and different plants and animals (she was pretty sure a snake was following her at this exact moment but oh well), plus, the sunrises were amazing, and at the moment, the sky was showing off its beautiful orange and purple hues. She sighed happily; she couldn't wait to get to school and see everybody!

Everybody except one... Her smile faded for the first time today. Emily got along with pretty much everybody (although she'd been told her positivity may be a mental disorder) yet, there was one person that she strongly disliked (hate is a strong word), the only person who strongly disliked her back...

Tyra... Probably one of the richest girls in school and the daughter of a loan shark with a terrifying reputation. She had a brand new, off the rack, outfit every single day (with matching Louboutins and Prada bag) and she was always complaining about how terrible her life was and how terrible everybody else's lives were, yet somehow she'd managed to shoot herself right to the tippy-top of the popularity pole. Probably because no one was strong enough to stand in her way, maybe physically but definitely not mentally. She could really mess with people. She had plenty of fake friends, these were people who were terrified to be on Tyra's bad side.

But no more focusing on her. This was Emily's life, and she was living it, not Tyra. She glanced down at her Minnie Mouse watch (you can hate, but it's adorable), 8:20, ten minutes until school starts, she was two miles away.

She arrived in class half a minute early, but practically dead (at least she was getting fitter). She dragged herself into homeroom. Written on the board were the details of the enlightening lecture on calculus 101 they were going to be having first period. Emily slowly scrambled over to her desk and plopped her bag down; struggling to open the broken zips, she pulled out a short pencil littered with tooth marks. She ran her hand through her hair and focused on taking notes.

You never know if you might end up a builder or something

In the middle of writing down key points, a cloud of perfume wafted into the classroom. Introducing Tyra... She thought, Queen of Snobs

She was five minutes late, as usual, wearing her trademark scowl.

Of course, she had to make herself the centre of attention, it's the only thing she knew how to do. Apart from, of course, being a total bitch.

Again, thinking about her... Who cares?

As Emily's thoughts started taking over, she remembered the school play. The lines you're supposed to say in the audition had been posted on the school's bulletin board, and she had taken a mental snapshot to recite them later. Now was probably time to start reciting.

The sound of the bell woke her from her daze, and she walked to her next class, stuffing her notes in her bag as she attempted to ignore Tyra, but that girl really made it hard. She tried to scowl at Tyra, but her face just wouldn't change shape. She stuck to smiling, but hey, who doesn't love smiling? She skipped off to her next class in a slightly unhappier mood than before but still a good mood, all the same, singing something about a rainbow.


Hi everyone thanks so much for reading the first chapter! Recently I've made a couple of changes including some different character names so some of the comments, etc. may not make sense to new readers and some things may be confusing to old readers but at the moment I'm constantly updating older chapters as well as making new ones so I'm sorry if the storyline or anything else keeps changing.  Please give me all your feedback because I want to know the best way to write my book and if you enjoyed, please consider a like
Brooke xx

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