2: Calculusitition - Tyra

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Calculus can suck a dick

That was the only thing she wrote down on her notes, which she trashed the first chance she got. She didn't have time to write anything else - she was too busy twisting her hair around her pencil and scowling at the teacher every chance she got. God, it was boring. Besides, Ms Latrin was the worst, she had eyes like a hawk, and she could spot phones faster than Tyra could spot people's flaws. She also had to deal with the pain of Emily.

Stupid, hard-working, sweet, caring, Emily. She was just so positive all the time as if everything is just a big mountain of chocolate, which by the way, it isn't. Emily managed to get over whatever rumour was sent her way (ninety-nine per cent of those definitely didn't come from Tyra) nobody even cares that she's poor.

It's not that Tyra was jealous; obviously, Emily could be pretty, but Tyra was drop. Dead. Gorgeous. And her many friends would agree. Her luscious, shiny blonde hair which landed almost at her waist complimented her sea-green eyes and plump, pink lips. Her eyelashes were so long they pretty much touched her perfectly shaped eyebrows. She'd been told thousands of times before that money couldn't buy happiness, but it could definitely buy the best shampoos and beauty specialists in the world.

The lesson dragged on for what seemed like a century. The ring of the bell was practically angels calling down to her. Yeah, it was a miracle that she got to leave that class. She'd rather have a face full of acne than end up a calculusititian or whatever stupid job you get from learning the dumb subject. Besides, her dad was rich, so she probably won't even need a job. Since the class was over, she was actually feeling happy for a bit, until she remembered she had another lesson and her scowl returned faster than the zit in the middle of her friend Cassie's forehead. She slung her Prada bag over her shoulder and sashayed off to Materials Technology.

The only reason she chose MT for one of her electives was because no one failed. You just chose some shape to make out of wood or whatever and bat your lashes a couple of times and the teacher, Mr Flout, would finish it for you. Easiest A Tyra's ever gotten; not to mention maybe the only A she'd gotten without her dad having to pay the school to give her sufficient grades (she really hated school, so she never bothered putting in the work). In the end, all she had to do was copy some stuff off a board, and she could sit on her phone for the last forty minutes of the lesson.

Today, the class was no different, but around halfway through, just as Tyra had gotten back from the bathroom (she was looking especially cute today so she, of course, had to get some mirror selfies) one of the girls in her class walked up to her

"Um, what's up Millie," Anya said, eyes glued to her phone screen as she looked through the photos she just took

"Minnie, actually." The girl stuttered

"Right, Minnie..." Tyra didn't have time to remember names. The only reason she even recognised anyone in the first place as they all stood out for the wrong reasons. That's how Tyra picked them out. Minnie's problem was that she was a ginger. She was the only redhead in the grade, and Anya absolutely hated redheads. 'Hair isn't supposed to be red,' she'd say, 'curse of the devil...'.

"So what do you want?" She had no time for a ranga.

"Oh, just wondering if you were going to audition for the school play." When Tyra gave her a quizzical look, she continued, "you know, Wizard of Oz?" Tyra was practically famous for her acting, her mother called her a drama queen. Of course, she was doing it, and she was going to be the main character.

"That's right, I am, and I'm going to be the main character." Minnie giggled to herself. Was she... mocking Tyra?

"Well, umm, do you know anything about the story?" a couple of people laughed behind them as Tyra realised a small crowd was slowly surrounding them.

"To be blatantly honest, I don't really give a shit about your stupid play." Tyra half yelled furiously. She heard someone gasp. "What I mean is," Tyra started again, in a calmer tone. "I act the part, I don't read the story." she smirked, "That's just how I do it, hun." She turned around and strutted out of the classroom as people 'oohed' behind her.

She ended up in the hallway for the rest of the period because she couldn't really strut back into the classroom, it would ruin the effect. She used the time wisely (Or as wisely as she possibly could) and found a poster advertising the play auditions. 

Third period, in the auditorium. Plenty of time to put away some of the things she didn't need and change into her "I look so stunning you may as well give me a million dollars" outfit, which she kept in her locker for important occasions like this. When the bell rang, she posted one of her mirror selfies from before and strutted to her audition.


Hi thanks so much, guys for reading the second chapter! Please give me all your feedback because I want to know the best way to write my book and if you enjoy, please consider a like <3
Brooke xx

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