8: Prada Purse - Tyra

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For once she felt happy. 

Standing on a stage and showing the world who you are and what you can do feels amazing, even she could admit that.
She was probably pulling out the best performance she had done in her life (no amount of fake crying she'd ever done compared to this). After nailing the first few scenes with Emily, she saw him, sitting three rows back and staring right at her. Actually, not at her,
At Emily

It was time to put her plan into action. He shouldn't be looking at that piece of scum.
When the curtains dropped at act one, Emily dropped to the ground, exhausted.
Here we go

"Emily, hun?"

"What's up Tyra?" here we go...

"Could you be a darling and go get my Prada purse? I left it in the dressing room, and it's got my phone in it. I'm way too tired to go get it." Emily huffed and stood up

"Since you asked so nicely..." she walked away and as she turned the corner, Tyra went after her, which was very hard to do quietly in high heels. As Emily walked into the dressing room, Tyra shut the door and locked it. She'd inspected it before the play started and, lucky her, the only way to unlock it was from the outside
Problem solved

Now all she had to do was shine enough for both of them, which would be easy enough judging that Emily probably hadn't showered in a week anyway (she also probably lived under a rock but Tyra didn't know and didn't really care). She walked over to Mrs Etiole and put her offstage acting skills to the test, "Mrs Etiole, I can't find Emily anywhere,  I think she's gone cold turkey!" Mrs Etiole's eyes widened as she looked around,

"Are you sure she didn't just go to the bathroom?"

"No, I checked and nobody was in there."

"This is no good... what can we do?" Mrs Etoile closed her eyes and stood silently for around a minute, probably processing how lucky she was to not have to deal with her anymore, at least that's how Tyra was feeling "Do you know her lines?" Mrs Etoile asked, "Because there's not much we can do about this except replace her; the show must go on..." this is exactly what Tyra was looking for,

"Of course I know her lines, Mrs Etiole." She smiled a genuine smile, which was hard to do judging she wasn't used to smiling.

"Thank God. Curtains open in two minutes."

"Oh dear! I think Fi got lost! Oh well, I must keep going." Tyra smiled as she walked across the stage. She was doing surprisingly well and the boy was staring right at her (she swear she saw him smile a little bit). Just as she went to meet the lion, she heard footsteps from behind

"Oh Dora, thank God I found you, It really is hard to find your way around the brick road!"
someone walked up behind her and gestured at the straight yellow "road" on the stage. The crowd laughed. The booming of the person's voice made Tyra realize she hadn't thought of one crucial fact. Emily could be quite loud when she wanted to, and the dressing room walls were thin as paper. Emily joined her in the centre of the stage and leaned into Tyra's ear,

"The walls in there are thinner than your surgeried waist," she smirked and said her next line. "Also, have fun deleting all the photo spam on your phone, I may have let the whole cast backstage have a turn." They went back to acting, but Tyra wasn't in the mood anymore. There was no point, Emily was a much better actor and no matter how hard she tried, Emily outshined her
All. the. time.

She'd run out of ideas, Emily had won.

When the curtains fell at the end of Act 2, a fight broke out - there was nothing physical though, Tyra wasn't willing to break a nail.

"Why did you do that?!" She screamed, letting the crowd's clapping and cheering on the other side of the curtain drown out her voice,

"What did you want me to do? Stay locked in there?" Emily yelled back

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanted!"

"But why? So you could have all the attention for yourself?" She shouted, "This isn't just about you, Tyra, I've been acting my whole life"

"And I've been the centre of attention my whole life!" Tyra's face was getting red

"So you admit it, you're not doing this because you like acting or have ever done drama in your life. It's because you want attention." Before Tyra could yell back, Mrs Etoile told them to take their places and the curtains went up. They did the dances and the acting but Tyra wasn't paying attention, for the first time in her life she had given up.

The play was almost over, there were only a few scenes left. Emily was standing right in front of her as they went to the wizard's castle. One last thought came to Tyra's head - a bad thought. It would be stupid but she was done with Emily, she hated Emily. She wanted Emily out of her way.

Just one quick push

Tyra surged forward and caught Emily off guard, she started falling in slow motion, but Emily had fast reactions and Tyra felt a yank on her wrist as they both tumbled off the stage together. Tyra braced herself for impact but before she could crash to the ground, her vision went black.
Tyra came to in a tattered, old room with someone stroking her brow.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" The person asked. Before she could ask the woman who she was and what the hell she thought she was doing, she fell back asleep.


Wow that was a crazy chapter! Thanks so much for reading and be sure to comment down below what you thought of this chapter and maybe consider a like if you enjoyed thanks guysss :)

Brooke xx

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