6: Foot Size - Tyra

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You've got to be kidding me. 

Sharing a part with Emily? OH MY GOD

Text Sent:
omg trace why tf am i sharing a role with that whore ?! i wanna kill myself ughh
- Tyra

This cannot be happening.  Wow, betrayed by a teacher much. Why the hell would Mrs Etoile go behind her back and do that? Sure, she had threatened her with a fake story and all but come on. And society wonders why everyone has trust issues


She could deal with it, maybe for two minutes tops...

Incoming Text:
wdym ahah emily's real nice
-  Tracy

Coming to school the next day was awkward. People were looking and staring at her. Of course, she scowled right back at them. She had several 'Congratulations!'s and some of those 'Now that's what I'm talking about!'s. It was definitely nice being the centre of attention and all but apparently, Tyra's horrible friend Tracy had been showing her conversations with her to other people and they were continuously bothering her about it.

"Why'd you say something so rude about Emily?"

"What did Emily do to you?"

"Seriously? Slut shaming is not cool!" Just proves how fast some people can go from besties to frenemies. Talk about a bitch.

The rest of the week was a mix of badgering from girls and practising for the play. Because there were two people playing the character of Dorothy, they split the name. Tyra was going to be called Dora while Emily would be called Fi. Talk about stupid. She really only enjoyed it because they got refreshments and snacks. Plus, she missed third period every day, which just happened to be maths.

"I'm really  sorry Mrs. Urba, but I won't be able to make your math class for around a month because of the big play coming up. So sorry, I really do miss learning math." Yeah, in your dreams. Maths was the worst. Mrs Urba hated her. In fact, she was the only  teacher in the whole school who hated her. She really didn't know why. Sure, she scowled extra in her class, she made pukey faces and pretended to fall asleep but isn't that math's fault? Maybe if it wasn't so boring she wouldn't be so bored. She was the victim here.

It went on and on like this for two more weeks. Just another week until the performance. She had remembered all her lines and Emily's as well. She was all set. Her plan was also prepared, the plan she was not sharing with anyone. Just like the role she would be playing, not shared with anyone. Especially not Emily. Definitely  not Emily. But could she pull it off?  It was only fitting she would be the star of the play. She was the most popular

and the best looking, and the richest and the coolest and the- 
She stopped.

Who is that?
A boy walked past. She had never seen him before, she definitely would have remembered. He had deep brown hair which drooped over his eyes, a winning smile with pearly white teeth and stormy grey eyes. She had never really fancied a guy (except for Zac Efron, he was hottie); most of the boys at her school were farmies (gross). But this boy...

He was already swarmed by a ton of people asking his name, where he's from, how long he'll be staying, what sports he plays, his favourite colours, his foot size.
He will be the Romeo to my Juliet.
This was the reason she would carry out her plan because when she did, he would recognise Tyra's amazing talent

And good looks, and popularity, and amazing sense of humour

She might've been getting carried away but this just made her plan so much more fun.


Hey again guys !!! Thanks sooo much for reading so far lots of virtual hugs to u guyssss mwah mwah mwah !! Be sure to let me know in the comments below how you think the story will go and how you want it to go. If you're enjoying be sure to consider a vote :) love u guysss
Brooke xx

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