9: Blonde Hair - Emily

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She was lying on the softest mattress she had ever felt in her life and wrapped in silk and satin sheets, which was perfect for the warm weather. As she lay in the little slice of heaven, a woman seemingly in her sixties walked in, her face was heavily wrinkled, and her mouth was bent into a frown. Her grey-tinged hair was yanked back into a bun.

"Miss, you're awake!" She said happily, but Emily could see some frustration in her eyes.

"Um, yes, I think I am," Emily replied, for some reason, her voice sounded somewhat different. It seemed like a voice she knew that belonged to someone else, but she just couldn't pin it down.

"I've already told the school you won't be attending today so don't worry about getting ready." Emily attempted to smile, but her mouth seemed to be almost stuck in a frown.

"Right, what day is it?" She asked as politely as she could.

"Tuesday, Miss."

"TUESDAY?!" She yelled, completely forgetting about being kind. Her last memory was from the performance on Sunday, where had she been for two days?

"You'll be back in school tomorrow, don't worry." The woman began to leave but popped her head back in. "Oh, I'll bring breakfast over. So you can stay in your room." She whistled as she walked down the hallway.

Emily threw the beddings off herself. She was wearing these cute, pink silk pyjamas with edges of black lace. She stood up, but a pang in her head made her fall back to the bed with a jolt.

The last thing she could remember was Tyra pushing her off the stage, and Emily dragging her down with her.

That bitch.

Where's Tyra now? Is she ok? No matter how much of a horrible person Tyra was, Emily was still concerned.

There were so many blanks she had to fill. She started tugging on the strands of her hair, as she did when feeling stressed or anxious. She looked down at her hands, which had yanked out some of her golden locks.

Blonde hair...

She didn't have blonde hair. She stood up again, ignoring the pain in her head and searched around frantically for a mirror. Not surprisingly at all, there was a huge one taking up half the wall to the right of her bed. As she caught a glimpse of reflection, she froze in shock and screamed. She could feel her ears and her throat begging her to stop, but she just couldn't; it was a nightmare come true. The old woman she saw before ran into the room, holding a tray full of delicious smelling food.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" Emily stopped, thinking of what to say, she didn't want to say anything crazy, who knows what evil torture devices they had here. They probably wouldn't believe her anyway if she told them that she wasn't who they thought she was. They wouldn't believe her if she said to them that she wasn't Tyra.

This couldn't be happening, could it? She wanted out of this body now! How did she possibly get in it in the first place? She had no clue. No science she could think of helped, yet she couldn't really think of any science she'd learned in the past week, or past few months for that matter. In fact, for once, she felt dumb as a rock. There were no other words to describe it, or at least, no other words her dumbass brain could think of to describe it.

School the next day was dull. She didn't know how - she usually loved school, yet her first class was a bore, and the second class felt like it went on for hours. She seemed to be more focused on twirling her hair around her pencil and admiring her reflection in her phone but, could you blame her? She looked absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.

At morning break, she walked around, confused. An estimated twenty people were hovering around her (she would've counted but turned out her new brain didn't like that either), they were all asking if she was ok and telling her that they loved her shoes. She asked for directions to her locker, Tyra's locker, using Sunday as an excuse for not remembering where it was, and as she dragged herself over to put her books in it, she finally found some peace and quiet. That is, until about two seconds later when she was getting body-slammed to the ground.

Her own face scowled down at her, but the scowl looked more like an 'I love you so much that I'm mad' scowl because that was really the evilest thing her face could do.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" Tyra, she suspected, yelled at her. Emily stood up and brushed herself off.

"Well, I don't know, do I now?" She retorted back. "It's not like I want to be in your body in your perfect life and in your perfect house and in your perfect clothes!"

Tyra stared at her in the strangest way, as if she was shocked by Emily's nasty tone and feeling seemingly sympathetic.

Just as the bell rang, and Emily turned to go back to her classroom, Tyra grabbed her arm and looked her in the eye.

"You better not ruin my reputation, go it?" Tyra said threatened. Emily yanked her arm back, which took a couple of tugs because it turns out Tyra wasn't precisely an athlete. Emily stuck her other hand out.

"Look, how about this. You don't mess up my rep, and I won't mess up yours." Tyra grimaced but clasped Emily's hand and shook it.

Before running to her next class, Emily turned back at Tyra one last time, who looked as if she was smiling before running, that's right, running to her class. By the looks of it, Emily as a pretty good influence for Tyra. She walked towards her lesson slowly, knowing that her materials technology teacher wouldn't give a crap about how late she was.


Wow! Chapter 9! Thanks to everyone so much for reading so far  it means so much to me! Be sure to comment below any feedback you have for me because it really helps me with  my book!  Thanks heaps

- Brooke  xo

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