5: Click Your Heels - Emily

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Get to sleep, come on...

She couldn't. She'd been lying in her bed for hours on end but sleep still didn't come. She just wanted to know if she'd gotten the part. Her eyes wouldn't close. She stared at the ragged drapes covering her windows and then at her rickety old bedside table, holding her most important memories on top of it. A photo of her best friend, Mia, and her. Sitting next to it, one of her father, her sitting on his shoulders laughing and trying to cover his eyes. Those were the good days. She felt another smile wedge its way up her face again.
And she was going to make these days even better, for good old Pops,
Maybe he'll come back...
She finally felt herself slowly drifting to sleep,
For him

She woke up with a start, three minutes before her alarm clock would go off.

What a curse...

She fell back asleep, awakened three minutes later by the scream of the alarm. "Oh beauty, oh joy!" She yelled as jumped out of her bed, extremely excited for the day to come.
Results, Results, Resuuuuults!  
She sprinted out of her bedroom and out of the house (she almost forgot to brush her teeth). She was hoping for the best, she had certainly put her heart and soul into that audition.

Incoming Text:
ik ur probably going crazy rn but chill cos ur gonna get the part xxxx
- Mia

She read it aloud over and over again to relax her racing hard as she paced her way to school.

Text Sent:
u bet i'm going crazy ahhhhh im nervous lmao thanks tho ily xo
- Emily

They were going to announce the cast in assembly, at morning break. She couldn't wait.

Here we go!

Walking into the assembly was one of the hardest things she had ever done in her life. Her heart pounded inside her chest and her stomach flooded with butterflies. She felt extremely lightheaded but Emily had to make it into the hall. She had to hear the results. She bumped into Tyra on her way in who she gave her a smug look as she shoved her away.

"Break a leg," Tyra said, and before Emily got to reply she spoke again "No seriously, break a leg."

"Say what you want but you're gonna have to click your heels more than three times to get this role." Tyra gasped, Emily's insult had clearly left a mark. Tyra stormed off with a crowd of ogling boys and girls following. Emily stood in a daze until Mia found her.
"Ready to hear your name blasted through the loudspeaker?" she said excitedly

"Yeah, when they're calling out the names of the trees. There were some really good auditions." Emily had been so excited before, but all of a sudden she was feeling surprisingly nervous. Her palms started sweating and she felt clammy,

"Hey, girl you got this!" Mia said supportively, and continued to give her messages of comfort and support as Minnie walked up to them,

"Hey, guys!" She said, smiling. Minnie was a good friend of hers, she was really nice and always there for her. Plus, she always had the inside scoop on Anya. "Sorry that I got the text in too late." She winked, and they all laughed.

"No prob Minnie, I wouldn't have been any more prepared." She smiled at her and they all took their seats on the hall floor as the principal walked to the pedestal and hushed them. He spoke a few words to start the assembly, then he invited several people to take the stage, sharing their news, but Emily was too busy daydreaming to hear what they were saying.

Mrs Etiole was the next person to walk up to the pedestal, wearing a pink leather jacket, which she didn't know they even made these days. She started to speak and Emily tuned in.

"So," She began, "Yesterday, if you didn't know, we had auditions for this year's school play, The Wizard of Oz" students whispered quietly amongst themselves as Mrs Etiole cleared her throat, "It took some time deciding but I have finally determined this year's cast."

She started rattling off the names, role size from smallest to biggest. "The three trees, Mila Ranford, Maria Jane, Kylie Holmes," It went on and on, Emily hadn't realized how many different roles there were. "The Tin Man, Shawn Trent, The Scarecrow, Tim Wright and the Lion, Taylor Stewart." Emily smiled at all the people in turn and clapped to congratulate them, 

"And this year's Dorothy is going to be different from all the other year's main characters." Emily held her breath "Because the role will be shared by two people. Emily Arnold and Tyra la Perra." She gasped, and so did several other students in the crowd. But the most surprised by far was Tyra who was scowling more than ever and was clearly using every muscle in her body to hold in a scream. She was about to burst.

Two people?  How did Tyra get a part of it? She saw her audition and it was, no offence, really bad.

Then it dawned on her. Tyra was a nasty bitch; who knew what she did to get herself a part. Emily should've expected it.

Lucky little bastard.


Thanks soooo much for reading so far it means a lot to me :) Be sure to comment what you think down below or if you enjoyed this chapter give me some love with a vote. Thankssss :)
Brooke xx

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