2-The Week Before

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~Emilys POV~

I wake up to Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy blasting from Casey's phone speaker, and seconds later Casey is singing along in her 'man voice' as she likes to call it.

"CAS SHUT UP" I shout

"NOT UNTIL YOU GET UP, you promised we would go exploring today" she exclaims

"Yeah but not at seven am" I retort

"Whatever I'm going to take a shower, be up when im back." she says as she walks into our bathroom shared with two other girls.

I get up a few minutes later and hear singing coming from the shower, Casey is singing She Looks So Perfect by 5 seconds of summer. I just happen to adore that band. I also just happen to be a Michael girl, while Cas is an Ashton girl. We have been in love with them since the beginning of their career.

Once Cas was out of the shower I was up and ready to go, I hate showering in the mornings because I hate walking around with wet hair so I shower at night.

"Cas I'm ready to go now" I say

"I'm so excited to see the campus!" she says in a high pitched voice

We walk out of the door after grabbing our bags. We walk all over campus for a few hours when Cas starts to complain about her feet being tired. We find the on campus Starbucks and walk in. While in line we hear something really exciting. 5 Seconds of Summer is doing a signing about ten minutes away from campus next week. When we sit down we quietly squeal for joy.



"My only question is why didn't we already know about this?" says Casey

"I have no idea how that slipped past us." I say

"Oh well we know now and we have to go find the perfect outifts!" Casey exclaims

We go back to our dorm and decide to go shopping for something new and cute tomorrow. I mean what girl doesn't enjoy shopping? Wait I could name a few people. Moving on I take my shower and go to bed with my hair in a messy braid with every intention of wearing a messy bun to go shopping tomorrow.

-the next morning-

"EM GET UP ALREADY!" Cas screams


"What are you going to do when classes start?"

" Get up."

"Your'e so difficult."

I smile into my pillow and decide to get up to face to monster that is my insanely curly brown hair. Casey is already dressed and is currently applying makeup. I get up and put on a nirvana t shirt and grab my high waisted shorts.

"OW!" I shout

"What?" Cas says

"I fell over while putting on my shorts."

"You are probably the clumsiest person ever"

"Your'e probably right" I smile

Ten minutes later I'm dressed with no more falls and have makeup on. Casey is sitting on her bed phone in hand singing along to One Direction when I grab her phone so she will follow me. I walk out into the hallway and shut off her music. She is now following me so I hand her the phone back and start walking towards the exit. We wave down a taxi and tell the driver to the mall. We thank and pay him as we quickly get out and head toward the mall entrance.

Once we walk inside, we walk over to Forever 21 and check out the tops. I pick up a white crop top and decide to get that. I walk to the back and am very excited to see they now have more of the shorts that I've had my eyes on for awhile. They are black with white and yellow daisies on them. I look around and find Casey eyeing a leather jacket. I know shes been wanting one for awhile now.

"Em look how cute this jacket is!"

"Yeah that's really cute Cas you should get it."

"I think I will. I think I'm going to get these shorts too, i have a shirt that would match them perfectly."

We walk to the checkout desk and put our stuff on the counter. We pay then decide to have some lunch before heading back to the dorms. We get lunch and just chat about random stuff and about how classes are approaching so quickly they start in a week and a half. Only three days after the signing which is now a week away.

"EMMMM, why am i so tired?"

"Maybe because you always get up so early." I say sarcastically

"Well you stay up too late, I mean last night you were up until three am." she tells me

"Sorry I'm a night person" I retort sarcasticallly

"Why are you so sassy?"

"Comes naturally." I smirk

We watch netflix for the rest of the day and then Cas goes to bed around 11, I get on my phone and just get on twitter and do random stuff for a few hours before going to sleep about 2 am.

We wake up the next morning and basically do nothing all week except wander campus a bit more and pick up books for classes. By the end of the week we are so excited about the signing we are jumping around our dorm to their music. We sing along loudly before our neighbors knockon our door to tell us the be a bit quieter. Cas purposely sets her alarm to She Looks So Perfect so we can get pumped for the signing the next morning. We spend more time doing nothing until that night when I actually attempt to get to sleep earlier so I look my best without dark bags under my eyes as usual.



We get dressed in our outfits we bought last week and head out front to wave a taxi to take us to the CD store that the signing is being held at.

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