12- Nightmares and Tears

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~Emily's POV~

I immediately start to calm down once I realize it was just another nightmare. I reach up to rub my eyes and check the time. Damnit 4am. Michael stirs and groans a little and pulls me closer. I may as well try to go back to sleep. I roll over still in his grasp and snuggle into his chest. He breathes in deeply and I open my eyes to see him blink down at me.

"Why are you awake?" He asks in a raspy voice

"I guess I should tell you something not many people know."

"Okay what is it Em?" He says looking concerned

"I have reoccurring nightmares at least a few times a week, so that's why I'm awake, because they wake me up."

"Oh I'm sorry, did you just have one, do you need anything?" He asks with a worried look on his face

"I'm usually okay once I wake up and realize it was only a dream, but cuddles help." I say with a shy smile

"Alright well come here then" He says and pulls me in towards his chest


I slowly open my eyes and look up and see Michael looking at with a smile on his face.

"Goodmorning beautiful" He says

I smile and say "Goodmorning to you too"

He leans over and kisses me on the forehead and I giggle.

"Did you sleep well after," He hesitates "you know"

"Yeah after I went back to sleep I slept great"

"Do you mind me asking what the dream is?"

I pause and think about it

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me"

"No its okay" I cut him off

"My bedroom is the first room right off the main hallway in my home in New Zealand. One night when I think I was 9, I got up to get some water in the middle of the night, and I realized I wasn't alone in my kitchen. Obviously as a 9 year old, I screamed for my parents. And obviously the man who broke into our home grabbed me and tried to shut me up before my parents came in there. When my dad came running into the kitchen, the man had grabbed me and was almost out the door already. My mom stood back and called the police and my dad practically snatched me out of the kidnappers arms sobbing and beat the shit out of the guy."

Michael just stares at me with little tears rolling out of my eyes.

"So now I have reoccurring dreams of me being kidnapped and killed, but I always wake up right before they kill me."

"That's awful, I'm so sorry." He says and pulls me into a tight cuddle.

After a few minutes of tight snuggling he loosens his grip.

"I bet Luke will make us pancakes" He says with a smile

"I like pancakes" I say and he laughs

"Of course you like pancakes you're just like me" I laugh

We slowly start to get up and check the time and it ends up being almost 12


We walk into the kitchen and find three boys eating pancakes at the table

"Wow it's like you guys read my mind"

"What" Luke says with a mouthful of pancake

"I was gonna ask you to make me pancakes" I laugh at them

"Didnt know you stayed over Em" Calum says

"Yeah I didnt know I was going to either, he just wouldnt let me leave" I say as I poke Michael in the side

"Aww baby Mikey wanted Em to stay and cuddle" Ashton says in a baby voice

Michael turns a little red and walks over and gets two plates out of the cabinet and starts pilling them up with pancakes. I walk over and sit down at the table with the other boys who are now finished with their pancakes. Michael joins us and sets down our plates and goes to get us glasses of water. He comes back and I thank him and we chow down on our food.


After we eat we all sit down in the living room and turn on the tv. We end up not paying much attention to and just talking.

"So Emily how is your room mate Casey doing?" says Luke

"Shes doing pretty good, why does Lukey have a little crush?"

He laughs "No Im asking for a friend"

"Oh so someone else has a little crush on her?" I say eyeing Cal and Ash

Calum looks completely normal and Ash looks like he could be sweating a little

"So Ashton do you have a little crush on my bestfriend?"

"Uhm" Ashton mumbles

"Well she has a boyfriend right now but I don't really like him, he seems like bad news"

I say frowning "I think he's going to end up breaking her heart"

Just then my phone rings and I jam out to my ringtone for a second before answering

"Hey Cas whats up?" I say

"Em where are you" she says trying to hold herself together, shes obviously been crying

"I'm with the boys, whats wrong? Why are you crying?"

"He brokeup with me Em! I really liked him!" I frown, all the boys are watching me intently

"What a dick" I cover up the phone and ask the boys if i can invite her over, they all nod.

"Cas do you want to come over here with all of us?"

She sniffles and mumbles a yes before asking for the address again and saying she'll be here soon

"I told you guys he was bad news"

"Woah it's like you predicted the future" Luke says looking amazed

"Sometimes I wish I was wrong, especially when its about my besst friends heart being broken"

"It's okay we'll cheer her up!" Ashton says

"I'm gonna order pizza, whats her favorite?" I tell him pepperoni and he wanders off to call for it

About ten minutes later there's a knock on the door and unmistakable sniffling on the other side. I rush over to the door and open it to Cas with red puffy eyes from crying. She practically falls into my arms at the sight of me and I drag her over to the couch.

"He was a dick Cas you don't need him. I knew he was a jerk from when he picked you up the first time, something was off about him."

She just nods and starts crying again. I nod to the boys and they nod back and all get up to leave.


oops sorry I had to break her heart... It's for the good of the story I swear

okay its 3am bye

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