7-The Date

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~Michaels POV~

Somehow I am not as nervous as I was before I picked her up. It feels like we have know each other forever. Except we've know each other only for a few days.

"Reservation for Clifford" I say to the hostess.

"Right this way" She says and starts walking towards the back.

Emily and I follow her still holding hands. I lightly squeeze her hand and she smiles up at me and squeezes back. We reach the table and I pull out her chair for her then we both sit down.

"How was the first day of school?" I say

"It was long but all my teachers seem pretty nice." She smiles

"'That's good. What do you like to do when you aren't doing schoolwork?"

"I watch movies on netflix a lot, probably more than I should or listen to music." She says

"That sounds fun, I basically do the same thing. We should get along well!" I say enthusiastically.

"Yeah we are practically the same person, I've always wanted to dye my hair too."She says with a mischievous grin.

"Why havent you?"

"My mum would never allow that" She laughs

"Your mum isn't here" I grin widely

"Nope."She says popping the p. "We should dye my hair."

"I've been meaning to dye my hair anyways" I say with a smirk

"Ok we should definitely dye our hair, but back to movies, what is your favorite?"

"Ok don't call me a girl but I really liked Frozen."

"Oh my gosh!"She says while she starts laughing "As long as you don't sing let it go ten times a day that's completely acceptable."

"I dont' I find that annoying."

"So do I!"

"Man we really are the same person!" We both laugh

"So what's your favorite movie?" I ask her.

"Uhm I really loved Divergent, it was totally as good as the book."

"So you read? I haven't seen that movie yet."

"You have to go see it! and yes I do read sometimes."

"Maybe you'd go with me to see it?"

"I'd love too." She says smiling

The waitress comes over and asks us what we want to eat. I tell Emily to order first, and she gets spaghetti. I smile and order spaghetti too.

"We both like spaghetti too" I say. She giggles

"Just another thing we have in common." She says giggling still

We eat and talk when our mouths aren't full of our delicious spaghetti. Around two hours later we finally decide its time to go. I pay for our dinner and we stand and walk to the door. I open it for her and as we walk to my car our hands intertwine. I smile and look over at her. She smiling and blushing at the ground. Gosh she's so cute when she blushes at such simple things.

"Thank you" She says when I open the passenger door for her

I nod and smile before closing it after her and quickly walking to the drivers seat.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" I ask her

"Uhm i don't know thats a loaded question. I want a lot of things."

"Well name a few things for me"

"I don't know like band t-shirts or concert tickets or something, nothing too pricey."

"I have an idea now" I smirk


"Why would I tell you it's a surprise." She laughs

We pull up to a cupcake store, and I get out and walk around the car to open her door.

"Cupcakes?" She asks

"Yeah since we are the same person that means you love cupcakes."

"Well that's great because I do!"

We walk in and I buy us both a cupcake. We sit down to eat them and I have an idea. I swipe my finger over my chocolate frosting and brush it on her nose when shes looking down. She stares up at me with a shocked smile and starts laughing. I just smile at her. She gets some of her chocolate frosting and swipes it on my cheek. We both are laughing at our cute moment by now and I grab some napkins to wipe off our faces with.

"I'll get it" I say as I grab a napkin and wipe her nose with it while she giggles and squeezes her eyes shut. Damn shes adorable. She grabs a napkin and bites her lip while she wipes off my cheek. We finish up our cupcakes with some conversation, but sometimes it's quiet. Not a bad quiet just a peaceful quiet.

We walk out the door and hold hands on the way to my car again. Funny, I hated holding hands before Emily, but I always seem to be holding her hand, and I love it. She climbs in the car and I shut the door and get it the other side.

"Will you sing with me now?"

"Nope" She says

"Whyyyyyy" I whine

"I only sing in front of people I know won't say anything about it, which is basically just Casey."

"Even good things?" I ask

"Yeah, complements about my art and singing and things like that make me uncomfortable. I'm terrible with accepting complements, I just feel so weird getting them."

"Really? Most girls love being complemented."

"I'm not most girls." She says with a smirk

"I know." I say with a mirroring smirk

We arrive at her dorm building and I park and get out to open her door for her.

"You know you don't always have to open my door for me."

"But I want to." she smiles at me

We start walking towards her dorm and she uses her student ID to unlock the door, which I promptly open for her. We get to her door and I say goodnight. I look at her deciding if I should kiss her or not. She really seemed like she had a good time so what the heck. I lean down and we share an amazing first kiss. As I pull away she smiles up at me and bites her bottom lip. Gosh that drives me crazy.

"Goodnight Michael" She says quietly

"Goodnight Emily" I say. And with that she unlocks her door and slips inside with one last smile at me.


hope you enjoyed their date!

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