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~Emily's POV~

"Cas he was stupid he doesn't deserve you, he isn't worth your tears"

She finishes up crying not long after I say that and sits up and looks at me.

"Em, I forgot you dyed your hair," she says playing with it "I love it so much it looks amazing"

"Thank Michael he did all the work" I say smiling, and she giggles a little

"Will you help me get this makeup off?"

"Yeah, lets go" I say grabbing her arm and pulling towards the bathroom


"Okay thats better" I say while I throw away the paper towel smeared with makeup

"Do I look bad, there's cute boys out there Em, I can't go out there if I look"

"Cas you look perfect" I say cutting her off before she can finish her sentence

We walk back out into the living room and all four boys are in there talking and Luke is casually strumming his acoustic guitar.

We plop down on the couch in between Michael and Calum. Luke starts playing a familiar tune on his guitar. I smile over at him then turn to Cas because I know she loves Ed Sheeran, and The A Team is her favorite. He starts to sing the words to the song and the others join in ands start harmonizing easily. Cas takes a deep breath and starts singing the high notes. They all look at me as to say 'sing with us'.

"Cmon Em sing with us, it's just like we do when we are alone" Cas says

"Uhmm but we aren't alone, and these people are famous singers"

"We won't judge you for how you sing okay Em?" Calum encourages

They all start singing again and I close my eyes and lean my head back. I start out singing really quietly and I don't even know if Cas can hear me. She smiles really huge at me and I can tell she can hear me.

"Louder!" She shouts over the other boys singing

I start to sing out a little more and all the boys look over at me and Michael grins so huge I think his cheeks are going to split. Luke slowly stops playing and they all start clapping for me and I curl up in a ball and hide my face. I peek my head out and they are all smiling at me still. I go to hide again and Michael grabs me a pulls me over to him so I can't hide.

"That was amazing" He whispers in my ear which of course makes me blush and try to hide again.

While I'm distracted by Michael whispering in my ear, Calum has gone to the door to pay for the pizza that has just arrived and Ashton has taken his seat by Cas.

"Casey you have an amazing voice" Ashton says

"Thanks" she says blushing, "Call me Cas"

Calum runs into the living room screaming "Pizza" over and over again. We all practically attack him for the pizza. After we eat all of the pizza, Luke decides to get a movie out to watch. A scary one. In the middle of the day. Cas screeches a few times during and Ashton ends up comforting her and she somehow ends up cuddled into his chest. When the movie ends, Luke gets up to turn on the lights but before he does we stop him because Calum is asleep.

"Time to prank" says Michael

"What are we gonna do to him?" I say

"Hmmm lets blast music and spray him with silly string" says Ashton

"Thats perfect" whispers Luke

Michael quietly walks over to the closet and grabs two cans of silly string and hands one to me while Luke and Ashton plan out which song to blast in his face.

"Before we wake him up, can I draw a mustache on him?" says Cas.

"Go for it" Laughs Luke and tosses her a sharpie

She draws on a mustache then quietly laughs. Ashton and Luke walk to either side of his head and line up their phones next to his head. Michael and I stand in front of him ready to spray him while Cas is standing behind us barely holding in her laughs.

"On 3. 1, 2, 3" says Ashton

Then, all the sudden Panic! at the Disco starts blasting and Calums eyes fly open and we spray the sticky string at him and Cas nearly falls over laughing. Even I have to stop to laugh. He stares at me then runs towards me, I hide behind Michael and we end up running in circles around him. Eventually Michael grabs me and 'protects' me from Calum. By now the everyone else is dancing and singing and Michael picks me up and runs to his room.

"Now you're all mine" He says with a michevious look on his face

I laugh and he closes the door and kisses me full of passion.

There's a knock on the door then Cas shouts at us "Where did the love birds go?"

This of course causes me to blush and I shout back "Go away!" then we continue our kiss.

A few minutes later we walk back out and they are all waiting in the living room with serious stares at us. Cas is sitting awfully close to Ashton. A few seconds after we walk in, Cas bursts out laughing and then the rest of the boys start laughing just as hard as her. And then, Cas snorts a little and then keeps laughing even harder because she snorted.

Just when she start to slow down, Ashton starts tickling her and she starts hysterically laughing again. Although it isn't hard to make her laugh a lot. He eventually stops tickling her and she basically collapses backwards into his lap and breathes heavily.

"Aww, aren't you two cute" I say.

Both their cheeks turn a bright pink color.

"Shutup Em" Cas says

We end up watching another movie and then Cas and I decide we should go back to our dorm since its around 9 and we have both have class the next day. Michael offers to drive us home and we grab our bags and head out.

When we get to the dorms I say goodbye to Michael and we kiss before I get out of the car. Cas and I walk up to the dorms and go inside. We make our way to our room and I decide to take a shower. I grab a towel and my phone and hop in the shower to clean up a bit. I get out and decide to go to sleep since I am exhausted for some reason.

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