The Plan in Action

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I got a ride to school by a neighbor. When I got to school, there were stares but probably because I was so pale and awkward. I just went straight to my locker and used my combonation. I got all of my books and looked at my schedule for the class which was Advanced Calculus, 208. I headed for the class on the 200s floor. Right before I knew it I was back at square one. A boy's voice spoke behind me and made me jump and turn around. "Hi, my name is Brian." He looked so hot with the perfect chiseled features. Hot enough to cheat on Jasper with. "Do you need some help." "Um yes I'm..." "Yeah Room 208 I know. Lucky guess." There was something about him that made him seem a bit weird and unpredictable. Lucky guess my ass he must of read my mind. Ding ding DING!! He is another vampire.

I pulled him of to the side and said "I know what you are." "Excuse me?" he stated. "You are one of us!" "You guessed correctly" he said. "Hey do you want to hang out later maybe come to my house?" I asked. "Sure I guess I can." I gave him a kiss on the lips so that he remembered me forever. He was tense at first but then he got to the grove. It was the perfect plan it could never fail. On our way to the class he held his hand on my back holding me tightly and I rested my head on his shoulder.

I sat in class only thinking about him. He's the one to make it right. When I got out of school we drove to my house. Screw homework it was about us right now. We sat on my bed and then it got intense. I kissed his lips and he followed right behind me. I could tell he was loving it because he was not stiff at all. I got on top of him kissing him even more adding tongue.

He felt like it was getting a little too intense so he stopped. I feel like I knew him all my life and that I could tell him anything. We both heard footprints coming up the stairs so we listened carefully. Jasper came bursting through the door screaming "Don't you ever touch her again!" I screamed back "Shut up Jasper. I don't believe you ever loved me. I saw you kissing that other girl and it made me almost made me faint. How dare you? I thought you loved me. This was a test and you passed but you have broken my trust in you. Am I not good enough?" I explained. "No babe you are everything to me, my God given mate and I love you. I was very stupid to kiss that other girl and I want you to know that." He dismissed Brian and said he can see me again but nothing else but a friendship. He hugged me and kissed me so I would know. He picked me up and place me on the bed and got on top. He wanted to be with no one other than me. He grabbed my hand and took me downstairs. He called everyone downstairs for an announcement.

"Allison Miller, will you make me the happiest man on Earth and do me the honours of marring me?" He pulled out a 11 carrot diamond and placed it on my ring finger. I jumped into his arms and kissed him. I couldn't believe what happened. I'm 16 and a fiancé to the most handsome man in the world. I just couldn't wait to be married and wanted to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.

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