Training Day

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Chapter 2

When I woke, it was bright, sunny, and time for training. I put on a black skull shirt and Deniem jeans. Brandon waited for me under a tree on a bench from the 1800s. I snuck up on him thinking he didn't see me. Well jokes on me because he did. At sight he flipped me on my back. "Let that be a lesson well learned: I'm not the one, that's the one" pointing towards the human portal. We started basic training but then kicked it up a notch. After practice he treated me to a meal of a couple of bears and mountain lions. If there is anything a man likes it is a woman who can eat. I was that woman but I learned to control my body weight. Right there it was a win win situaton.

Walking back into the house Malorie talked to one of her "royal subjects". When she saw me she dismissed her. Just looking at her face made me sick. "Jasper is looking to talk to you in the ball room". I nodded and walked up to my room. I was all hot and sweaty and had a blood stained shirt so I had to go change.

After I showered and changed I went to the ball room. "It took you long enough", Jasper stated. My cheeks heated up with embarrassment and I put my head down. He walked up to me and lifted my head. We looked into each other's eyes and i did't want this moment to end. Thinking with the unconscious mind instead of the conscious I blurted, "Wow you're hot." He smiled. I then felt like a bigger idot. "So...How was practice" he asked. "Great", I replied. Was that all I could say 'Great'. We broke away. The room was completely silent.

"Oh yeah, I need you to go deliver a message to our relatives."

"Which one." Like we had many.

"The ones in Nebraska."

"Ok. What needs to be delivered?"

"A message about your claiming."

"Why cant you do it?"

"You are just full of questions are't you? But my schedule is just a little tied up for today and I couldn't find anyone else to do the job."

"Ok where is it?"

"Right here."

"You need to give it to Jason and only put it into his hands."

I gave him an uneasy look but then I nodded.


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