The Claiming

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Austin held a warm, wet towel on my head. "What is happening?" "You are being claimed, or so I hear. Just relax. Jasper is getting ready." Austin said trying to calm me. "Oh you are awake. We are getting ready and here's your dress. Put it on and meet us in the back yard," Malorie said. She wasn't as hateful and promised not to kill me for the baby but if we know Mal she will change her mind.

I looked at the dress and it was my favorite color. BLUE! I instantly got all giddy and Austin just stood there. I remembered he was here and asked him "Do you think this is pretty?" He nodded. I went into the bathroom to change. I came out and applied make-up to match my attire. "Wow you look beautiful," Austin tried to sell me. He stood in his tux and looked cuter than ever. "You look so handsome," I told him. I could feel myself getting stronger as I prepared for the claiming.

"Jasper told me I was going to escort you to the claiming location where we will watch you make your magic happen." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room, leading him down stairs and out the door. We linked hands and walked to the location.

Everyone stood up like at the wedding and looked at me. I felt my palms start to sweat and I became even more nervous. Malorie stood on a podium with a book in her hand. Austin walked me to the center and I could tell he was even more nervous than me. I could hear his heart.

Jasper sat in the front row looking more serious than ever. Malorie started, "We gather he today for the claiming of Allison Palmer." As she went on My heart beat got faster and began to race. Was this happening too fast or was I a little slow. "Now to chose your fate, step up here because the claiming awaits."

I held up my dress and walked to where she was standing. "Look into the light and feel yourself getting stronger as you are chosen for the good or evil." I raised my hand and looked into the light. I felt it. Me getting stronger.

My eyes burned. My heart grew weak. I was raised up off my feet. A ghostly ribbon wrapped around me as I began to spin. I was returneed to the ground and I put my head down. I guess something was wrong because both Jasper and Brandon came running to me. Jasper looked at me. "Are you okay." he asked. I nodded. I felt perfectly fine just a little different. Jasper looked into my eyes. Not for love but actually into my eyes.

"What. What is wrong." "I don't know, I've never seen anything like this before." I got really scared.

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