A Slave We Shall Have

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We got back from our honeymoon and I spent girl time with my sister. During our time I cut my hair to look look most emo people because it just looked cool. Now came the hard part. We had to go buy a slave. I planned on buying a boy but we will see how it turns out. Annabelle went with us to pick out her very own as well. Jason worked there so we get a family discount.

We arrived to the auction building. I don't like to call it that so I call it the human homes. We walked through the front doors. An auction was in progress. A man with grey hair bought the human for 1,000 dollars. We sat down in the chairs and waited for a nice young boy around my age to appear.

Jason pushed a young vampire out upon the stage. He had hair as dark as night and very dark orange eyes. He sent Jason a glare before shoving his hands in the right side of his pants. I looked at Jasper. He nodded. I instantly raised my hand and said "700 dollars." Some gasped but the auction continued. "Going once, going twice, SOLD to the pretty blue eyes." I blushed but walked to the bottom of the stage. One vampire grabbed him and I gasped. "Please! Don't hurt him." The vampire looked at the human and back at me like I was out of my mind. "Ok don't get your undies in a twist young one," the vamp said.

We walked into another room where we had to fill out papers. Annabelle came back to us with a catch of her own. He was tall, and looked to be about 14, of course Annabelle's age. He looked scared out of his mind. She held on to him and told him, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. "

I skipped over to them and waved to them. His eyes got big like he had seen the end of the world. "Well hi sis. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend," I asked Annabelle. "Oh right this is... um.. What is your name again," Anna asked. "Um... Zachery," he stated very scared. "I know that you are scared but we are against the idea of this happening. Don't worry, Anna will take care of you," I told him hoping he would believe. "Don't you thing I'm like the scum of the Earth, Don't you want to hurt me," he asked. Anna hugged him tightly showing she cared. She looked into his eyes, "Don't think that we will take care of you and treat you like our own. No one will hurt you."

I envied his trust. Jasper taped me on the arm. "Anna go and register him we will be waiting out in the car," Jasper told her. He held the human in his hand. I grabbed Jaspers hand and removed his grip. I placed my hand on the humans cheek. He was cold but not vampire cold. I could feel his warmth and the steady beat of his heart.

"What is your name," I asked the human. "Well his name is..."Jasper started. I cut him off. "No I want him to tell me." "My name? Um... well.. it is... Austin." "Well Austin, you don't have to be scared with me because I will treat you like my very own. We won't hurt you, ever." I gave a stern look at Jasper and one eyebrow raised. He put his hands up like he was guilty. I grabbed the hand of Austin and dragged him out of the door.

We got into the car and waited for Anna. I looked back at Austin staring out of the window. "Austin." He looked in my direction. "We were thinking of buying you a new wardrobe. Is there a specific brand you like?" He shook his head and turned back to the window. I felt this burning sensation in my throat. I began to feel really dizzy like I was going to pass out.

Jasper grabbed the back of my neck. "Anna hurry quick, she is going through the process." I was unconscious and scared out of my mind.

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