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"Brandon come look at this." Brandon came to examine my features. "Oh my god she is both." Brandon said almost scared shitless. "What does that mean." I asked. "It means that you are exactly both. Half good, half bad." Brandon exclaimed. "There have been men in the past have it but no stories ever told of a woman having this ability."

I was shocked but amazed. I practically made history. Jasper grabbed me, picked me up, and spun me around. I was so happy. I broke our embrace and ran to Austin giving him a hug. Everyone ran to me and got in a group hug.


We drove home. Austin sat in the back. I sat as the passenger feeling all giddy. Jasper had a light smile but was more focused on the road. When w got home I hung up my dress and changes my clothes. I walked downstairs to find Jasper and Austin watching t.v. I could tell Austin was getting tired. "Jasper, don't we have a room for Austin to sleep in." "Um... yeah its the guest bedroom to the right."

"C'mon Austin. I'll show you to your room." He got up off the couch and followed me upstairs. I lead him to the room and opened up the door. "Well here you go."He locked around stretched and sat down on the bed. "Do you need any night clothes?" He shook his head and took off his shirt. I rested my head on the door admiring his perfectly chiseled abs.

"You don't talk much do you." "Well I do but sometimes having my mouth shut is the best option so at times I choose not to talk." "Well okay have a good's night rest." I waved at him and he nodded in reply.

I left out of the room. I went into our room and looked into the mirror. I could see the eye that meant I was claimed for good and the eye that meant I was claimed for the bad. It looked kind of crazy but at the same time kind of cool. I grabbed a more suited top out of the dresser and put it on.

I felt the baby kick. I just know you are ready to come out but in a couple of months. I knew that it took like only four months for the baby to come because they grew quickly. I climbed into the bed turned off the light and went to sleep.

Claimed By the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now