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After he let go of hes arms i looked at him and smiled...

"Thank you that hug means a lot to me.."

"No problem gabriela i understand youre pain.. this world can be so good and so shit at times we have to deal with it..."

"I know and im trying to forget all these shit things but its hard.. every step you take is difficult.."

"yeah because  you have to  protect yourself from these things"
mitchell said. These word reminded me of michael from university...

I wish he was  like mitchell that protective ,

"You know mitchell you and youre words remind me of a
Person at my school... "

he raised hes eyebrows and coughed ...  "oh who is it ? " He said deeply ...

"A. Boy named michael he has the same face features like yours but hes very shy and lonely and super smart.."

"You think im
Stupid. ? "Mitchell said ...

"Oh no no i didnt mean it like that!" i said As we both laughed out loud..

"What do you think about that
Michael ?"
He asked me giving me a serious stare.. 

"Well i think he has to  come up for himself and to make good bond with people.. i talked with him today for the first time .. he was so sweet and nice just like you ..."

"What did he told you?"

I looked deep in Mitchell's eyes.
"I heard him
Singing a song hes voice was so beautifuel .. it gave me goosebumps  he offered me a chocolate bar  but i didnt want to eat chocolate.."

"He seems like a nice guy"    Mitchell said i nodded..
"yeah exactly but i hate the fact that some stupid boys like to bully him... i mean i know that he can beat the shit out of them but he doesn't he stays quit and very sensitive.."

"Maybe outside school hes a bad boy you never know maybe he wants to be the good student at school ?  "

"Yeah but he is to good that people make fun of him.. i think hes an amazing person but i cant handle seeing him alone and getting hurt by these rude people arround him.."

"He will stand up for himself  one daty"

mitchell said.. "i hope so" i said playing with my fingers..

We finished our coffee and we stood up as i remembered my question ....

"Oh mitchell why are there  bodyguards arround here ? "

"Hmm i really dont know Gabriella  i wish  i knew " he said as he bited hes lip wich made me go crazy!

I nodded and we left the starbucks  together .. we stood in front of each other next to the motorcycle ...

"Should i take you back home gabriella ?"

"Uhmm well mitchell i left my car at the starbucks near that mall where these group boys tried to hurt me ... "

"Okay ill take you back there" he said as he gestured with hes hand to the highway but then he accidently slapped my butt ...

"Ohh" was the only world that escaped our mouth...  we looked at each other and laughed....  "bad boy" i said pushing him playfully....

"Well it was an accident" he said...

"Hmmmm and i have to believe that" i said raising my eyebrow... he  looked at me for a few seconds and then he made a silly face making me laugh out

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