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*3 days later*

I was finally released from the hospital and could finally move my Body again. my family have been here with me the last 3 days and Sadly Gabriella didnt appear wich made me worried.

Janet visited her one of these days and she said that Gabriella had catch a cold and that she had a home nurse with her that was taking care of her . The whole world knew about my release from
The hospital and the whole fandom was surrounding the hospital wich was crazy so i had to leave with a helicopter.

After 30 minutes i finally landed on my garden at my own house as i stepped out of the helicopter smelling
The Fresh air of My garden again that i missed so much.
My family would visit me later in the day so i was all alone now in my missed home. 

I walked inside my house and the first thing i did was taking a hot shower  and getting all freshen up..

After that i changed into one of my Bad outfits and stared at myself in the mirror. The bruises were gone a little and i could move like i did before wich was so suprising because 3 days ago it was all the opposite.I walked to my garage and  got on my motorcycle...

"Damn i missed This so  much"


" do you want a painkiller miss Richy?"
The nurse asked me as i shook my head.

"I hate pills , i hate staying in bed all the time  this has to go now" Gabriella whined..

"Miss Richy you dont have to worry you will get better its just a cold "

"I know but im not used to this, staying 3 days non stop in bed"

"I know but you dont have a choice Miss Richy , by the way Your eating disorder is gone and im very proud about that . Your gaining weight again and that is good new."

"I know i noticed that and im also happy about it"

"But the thing i want to tell  you is that you cant do this to your body because of a person or the media you had to be hard and defensive "

"I know it was wrong of me but i was in so much stress but i will change i promise "

" your fat Gabriella "

" your mom is fat ! "

"Thats what i want to hear !" The nurse said as she gave me a high five. I smiled at her and sat down on the bed..

" i have to leave i guess my work is done here." She said.

" thank you so much for taking care of me these days this means so much to me . " i said as the nurse thanked me I opend my nightcloset  and grabbed a 100 dollar Bill and gave it to her.

"What is that for Miss Richy?"

"A little thank you from me  so you can go and get something to eat when you leave "

She smiled at me and took the 100 dollar bill as she gave me a warm hug.

"Your such a sweet person Miss Richy i dont know how people can hate a beautifuel soul like you"

I smiled at her as she greeted me and left the house..

I was finally alone I heard about Michael that was released today from the hospital I was so happy for him. I got up slowly and  walked to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

My body really needed a good shower .

My planning for today was staying at home doing nothing and Calling Michael. I finally had the strength to walk on my feets as i walked inside the  bathroom.

Shamone  -MJ Where stories live. Discover now