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*in the car*

We made it to John inside the car without anyone noticing it. Michael sat next to me in the backseat and i was on my phone checking some missed messages ...

"Shit i had a lot of shoots that i missed but i really Didnt  care,Michael Was important"

I putted my phone away and i leaned my head against the window.

"Michael im so happy to see you again" John said still suprised as Michael thanked him.

"So when will you make it official that You woke up from The coma ?" I asked him as he leaned his head
On my shoulder.

"When my family arrives they will tell my fans of course" Michael said as he stared at me and noticed that i was about to fall asleep.

He tried to kiss my
Forehead but he couldnt reach it because hes body was still hurting.

When we arrived at KFC  he woke Gabriella up, she looked at him with puffy eyes and Smiled.

"Were here baby" he whispered as she smiled Again..

Just Seeing him made her Smile..

We couldnt go inside the restaurant because the whole world  thinks that Michael was Still in a coma  so we decided to send John inside the KFC to get the food for us..

John left the car as it was
Only me And Gabriella..

"Gabi lay your head on my shoulder"
I said as Gabriella looked at me and Chukled by hearing me calling her Gabi for the first time.

She laid her head gently on my shoulder as i could finally kiss her head.

She was holding my hand and stroking it as i started to sing for her slowly..
The song that she wanted me to sing for her..

"Hello August moon, where are the stars of the night?"

"You promised me too soon cause it's been cloudy all night"

"And the weatherman said, if you're not well stay in bed"

"And I've been feeling down and blue and it's cloudy in my head..."

"Instead of going out to some restaurant, I'll stay home in bed"

"But I'll be loving you, that's what I want to do...."

She looked at me
With glowing eyes as tears rolled down her face. I couldnt stop staring at her face she looked tired and broken and this all because of me,I dont even know how i had the dare to break her heart She was my pure hapinnes and the reason why i survived..

I heard her talking to me everytime and it was killing me at the fact that I couldnt answer back, I heard her cry, pray , begging me to wake up but i couldnt 2 weeks and the only thing i saw was the lights . And the only thing i tought was, God please dont Take me away this soon..

I heard her telling me how she visited hospital's and school's every day  with gifts and food and she would ask the adults there to pray for me  because their prayer's were the best and were
Close to god..

She told me how her love for kids became bigger when she looked at their faces she could see angels. She told me how they played with her and how she was enjoying it and how they were asking her if Michael would come one day..  i just wanted to wake up and see her beautifuel face.

The face of the love of my life...

John finally came
Back with the food as we started eating inside the car. But Gabriella refused to eat..

"Babe why Youre not eating with us?" I asked her worried as she smiled a little.

"I havent eat Well in a long time whenever i eat something i throw up Michael"

As i heard her saying that my
Heart broke into million pieces. I knew she didnt eat because of what happend to me.

"I want you to eat for me Please Gabriella do it for me"

"Michael i wish i could" she said as tears Rolled down her face..

"I just cant eat, just eat without me Michael"

"Im not eating without you gabriella"
I said as i shove The bucket to her.

"Michael please dont be like this Eat your food .." she said as i looked at her my eyes started to get watery..

What happend with Gabriela?

I looked at John confused as he gestured me that we will tell me what happend. I nod my head and i grabbed a hot wing out of the bucket.

"Gabriella if you love me take 1 bite of this wing " i begged her As she looked at it with horror in her eyes at the hot wing that i was holding.


When we finished eating Gabriella told john to drop her at her house . I refused to let her go but she swore that she was fine and that she realy needed a shower because her body was tired we Finally Dropped her at her house and she gave Me a quik kiss before getting out of  the car..

"John tell me whats wrong with her" i asked John worried as  he looked at me trough the mirror and started speaking..

"Michael Gabriella went trough an small eat disorder 2 weeks ago after what happend to you she got body shamed in the media from haters that she was fat and that she was ugly and that she didnt desearve to be a model and they Described her "fat body" as a punishment from God for letting Michael suffer trough the horrible condition you went trough.. she got so much hate from people that were blaming her for what happend with you that day of the accident. She tried to ignore the hate  but she failed  and nearly got beaten up by a group of people outside her house.

She didnt told anyone about this only me and her sister elsa. her sister wanted to come to her but Gabriella refused. She felt guilty for what happend to you but she was very good at hiding all that pain, and she still went to she visit hospital's and Schools no matter the situation she was dealing with..

As i heard these horrible things that happend with my girl i was speechless. She didnt told me about these things that happend to her she held everything in and that all for me?  She felt guilty for what what happend with me wich wasnt her fault because i wanted to protect her..

My eyes got watery and i begged John to take me to her house but he couldnt he had to  take me back to the hospital because my familly will arrive there in 10 minutes..

My tought was by Gabriella , i was so heartbroken that a beautifuel  soul went trough all of this for me..


This is so sad That Everyone hurted Gabriella Like this will she recover?

And what will Michael do..

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