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A/n : listen to liberian girl up here in the media box while reading the chapter !

*Michaels pov*

"Liberian girl
You came and you changed my world
A love so brand new"

"Liberian girl
You came and you changed my world
A feeling so true"

"Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world"

"Just like in the movies
With two lovers in a scene
And she says
"Do you love me"
And he says so endlessly
"I love you, Liberian girl"

I was currently in the plane flying back to LA after i ended the call with Gabriella i continued writing my new song on my notepad.

"Liberian girl"

The name just popped in my head so i started writing this song....

"Sir do you need something?"
The stewardess asked  me as i glanced at her..

She looked like Gabriella but this one had bigger boobs then Gabriella, don't blame me she exposed an huge cleavage...

"No thanks"
I mumbled as she walked away...

God i missed Gabriella so much. 3 days touring in Mexico was very hard but me and my fans enjoyed it and a lot of fans gave me and Gabriella gifts also..

I looked back at my Paper and continued writing...

"Liberian girl
More precious than any pearl
Your love so complete"

"Liberian girl
You kiss me then,
Ooh, the world
You do this to me"

"Liberian girl
You know that you came
And you changed my world
Just like in the movies"

"With two lovers in a scene
And she says
"Do you love me"
And he says so endlessly
"I love you, Liberian girl"

this song reminded  me
Of Gabriella so much even tough she isnt liberian.

But this song reminded me
Of how This girl changed my World..

*Gabriella's pov*

Janet , Rebbie and La Tota left 1 hour ago because they had an appointment..

I had to throw up 2 times again and i got so tired that i had to sleep , i was out. I closed My eyes slowly and fell asleep...

*Few hours later*

I woke up by the feeling of soft
Lips pecking mine ones . I opend my eyes slowly and stared deep into Michael's big brown eyes...

"Hey baby im Back" he whispered, i looked at him and smiled..

"Welcome back baby" i whispered as he laid down next to me still wearing his clothes.. "Im so tired Gabriella you dont even know" I got up slowly as Michael held me back..

"No go back to sleep"

"Babe let me just help you" i said as i took off His fedora from His head and putted his curls into a small bun. I took off his jacket and blouse and took  of His pants. he was Only in his boxers now so i handed him the pyjama from the closet and helped him with putting them on..

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