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Michael and i decided to clean hes messed up studio so he could work on hes songs  in a clean place and not a messed up one...

i threw all these empty bottles,Bags,Used papers in a trash bag as michael was cleaning the tables the microphone and sorting hes papers on hes desk.

It took us like 30 minutes to do this wich wasnt hard work. when we were done i started to feel light in my head i guess i had to sleep right now....

Michael was sorting the last papers he found on the floor as he noticed me rubbing my eyes..

"gabriella dont do that" he said as he. Came closer and looked me deep in the eyes. my eyes were red and puffy becasue of the rubbing. Michael was also tired So we finally decided to go and get some sleep..

We walked downstairs to he bedroom as i picked my dress up from hes bed and threw it on the floor like it was some trash...

"gabriella be careful that dress is beautifuel..". "i know michael but im sorry im so tired" I stared at hes desk  as there were standing our awards
Of tonight. I looked at them proudly and laid down on hes kingsize comfy bed. Michael took of hes clothes and joined me in hes bed only in hes boxers he pulled me closer to hes body as he rested hes chin on my head.. we slowly fell into a deep sleep.

---------------- the next morning-----

I opend my eyes slowly as the sun was shining on my face trough the curtains i turned my head arround and thats when i felt michaels warm chest against my face. He was sleeping peacefully as i was here trying to fall asleep again but i couldnt. I still laid on my place because i didnt want to wake him up since hes arms were wrapped arround my waist..

I laid here for like 20 minutes with my eyes closed untill i heard hes soft voice in my ear whispering...

"Good morning babe..... "

I opend my eyes slowly and stared into hes big brown eyes he had dark circles under hes eyes he still looked tired....

"Michael baby youre tired go get some sleep again" i said while Stroking hes cheek.

"No im not tired gabriella i slept well" he said while stroking my cheeks gently As i closed my eyes enjoying this feeling.. we then both stood up from the bed as we walked to the bathroom we brushed our teeths and then i stepped into the shower because thats what i always do every morning but i didnt saw this coming...

I was washing my hair when the shower curtain suddenly opens and michael stood there with only antowel wrapped arround hes waist. he looked at me as i felt so shy because of him seeing me naked.

"Come on baby ive seen you naked before" he said as he licked hes lips

he came closer as he entered the shower with me and we were chest to chest. he threw hes towel on the floor. As the hot water streamed on our body's . I washed hes curls with some shampoo as he washed my body. We then switched from position making me wash hes body and he washing my hair for the second time after i did.. our bodys were stick together because we couldnt take distance...

We didnt want to.

After the shower we wrapped ourselfs in a towel and walked to the balcony looking at the view of Los Angeles in the morning... we stood there next to each other breathing  some fresh air as we started our planning for today..

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