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*Michaels pov*

"This is a little punishment baby for what you did today" i whispered seductivly in her ear as i rubbed her clit making her moan out loud in the car..

"Michael baby im so sorry... AHH" she moaned as our tongues connected...

"You know what would have happend to me if you got hurt... i would kill mysself" he whisperd softly as his deep brown eyes stared deep into my green ones..
"Michael stop teasing me like this baby" she begged as i grinned evily and licked her down there making her moan out of pleasure..

"You know if that baby wasnt there i would have fucked the living shit out of you badgirl" i whispered in her neck as her body was shivering..

We stopped after 10
Minutes and she couldnt even walk because of all that pleasure. I picked her up Bridal style and walked inside my mothers house as everyone looked at Us suprised.  Everyone walked up to us and hugged us as Katherine even kissed Gabriella's forehead..

"God bless you my girl you saved my Daughter today thank you so much!" she said as she Gave gabriella a warm hug.

My brothers walked up to me as they greeted me..

"Damn your girl is a badass" Marlon said as i nod..

"Yes she is" i said proudly as i licked my lips...

"Let me guess you sucked her?" tito said as  i punched him playfully..

"Shut yo bitch ass mouth Tito"
I spat out as we all laughed..

The night went well we were all happy again and The old Funny La Toya was finally back, and that all with a big
Thanks to my babygirl Gabriella...

*4,5 months later*

*Michaels pov*
I finished the baby room Which i have been working on for 1 week. Gabriella and i were so happy with the result and we couldnt wait to see our little angel sleep in it. 

"MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON WHERE ARE YOU!" gabriella yelled as i stepped out of the bathroom
Fully naked....

* Gabriella's pov*

"Holy shi... Michael..." she gasped

"why the hell are you screaming like that  I was taking a DAMN SHOWER!" michael spat out as Gabriella stared at her naked boyfriend..

"Im sorry i dont know why i yelled like that" she said embarrassed. I walked up to her and pecked her on her lips.

She changed a lot during her pregnancy and the doctor said that she will give
Birth this week and she was So nervous and worried. I told her that everything will be allright and to stay strong..

I sat down next to her on the couch as she Played with my wet hair plucks.

"Michael im so scared baby i..."

"I told you to stay strong Baby im by your side" i said as our fingers intertwined.  She  had an huge baby bump and dark circles under her eyes and her green eyes were always the same the ones i get lost in them and her smile.. was just perfect.. These months were very hard for her She had a Lot of Moodswings and morning sickness. i talked with My Manager Simon and decided to take a little break untill the baby was born. I was with her the last 2 months and helped her with everything .My sisters visited her every week and  La Toya was finally free and happy after she heard that that Bastard Jack Died at a car accident 2 months ago.

Everything was okay right now but we all were worried about Gabriella,I was stressed because seeing my baby  worried and scared like this was terrible.
"Gabriella lets do something together you  didnt go outside  for a long time" i asked her while rubbing her upper leg...

"Michael i feel like shit but if you want to do that lets do it.." she said as she smiled her beautifuel smile..

"Lets eat lunch together outside?" I asked her as she nod..

"Sure but let me go take a shower and get ready babe" she said as she kissed me on the tip of my nose.
She walked upstairs step by step and i watched her to see if she could reach the first floor wich she did gladly.

*Gabriella's pov*

I walked upstairs and felt a heavy headache but i was used to it these last months. I was so scared of giving birth and the contractions could come anytime. I turned on the shower and stripped off my
Clothes as i let the hot water run down my body i stared at my huge babybump.

"I cant wait to see you, i hope you wont hurt me that much" i whispered while stroking my baby bump gently.
Michael has been for me the whole time we both took a long break of our careers but everyone understood why.
I was washing my hair currently and when i turned arround to grab my conditioner i felt something breaking down there...

I started to shake and i looked down at  the floor when i realized what just happend...

my water broke.

I stepped out of the shower and i was sure now that its wasnt the shower but mysself. Thats when i got my first contraction and kneeled on the floor as i groaned out of pain..

"MICHAEL!!" I yelled as i started to cry while the contraction got worser.

"MICHAEL HELP ME PLEASE!" i yelled one More time as i started
To feel the baby kicking me painfullt...
After a few seconds the bathroom door opend and Michael runned up to me shocked..


"Michael its time.." i groaned out of pain as he picked me up slowly feeling the contraction getting worser by the minute..

"I cant do this!" I cried out as Michael's eyes got watery.

"No you can do it Gabriella be stro...."

"AAAGHHH MICHAEL I FEEL HER HEAD " i screamed as Michael's face turned pale..

"Im calling my nurse right now your not going to the hospital we wont make it until there!" Michael Said as he picked me up bridal style wich was to heavy for him. He carried me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed..

"I want you to breathe slowly baby breathe in breathe out" he said as i did what he told me..

I was crying out of pain as he putted some towels under me.

"MICHAEL I CANT DO THIS IT BURNS!" I yelled as he held my hand while calling his nurse..

"She will arrive any minute baby hold on"

"Michael help me" she begged me as i looked at her shocked..

"I dont know anything about Labor baby!.." he said shakingly..

"Michael try it please i cant wait any longer.." she cried out loud as Michael's heart was aching seeing Gabriella like this. "Okay spread your legs Gabriella"
He said as she did that..

Omg michael is gonna help her with giving home birth! ❤️?? GABRIELLA IS IN LABOR!! Comment and vote for the next chapter!!❤️❤️❤️

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