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I groaned out of pain as i stared in front of me at one of the Guys that was holding his Gun to my Head..

"If you move ill shoot you in the head this time" he spitted out making my
Heart go crazy..... I then rolled on the ground as i heard him Shoot again but he missed. I grabbed  the gun from the motorcycle and Without him
Noticing it. I shot him 2 times in the head making him fall down bleeding to death.

"Son of a bitch next time dont hurt a woman like that " i hissed as
I walked up to him and pressed my heels on his hand making sure that he was dead...

No respond.. he's dead.

I then heard Michael yelling my name after he heard the gunshots at my place.. He was still shooting and i was looking at my bleeding arm. I felt weak  but i had to safe Michael..

I walked up To him and shot one of these idiots on the chest. There was only one left and Michael finally shot the last one in his head... 
He then walked up to me and i smiled at him Weakly as he embraced me in a big hug.

" baby are you allright?" He asked me as he still didnt notice my arm..

"Im fine Michael"

"Im so proud of you you safed our lives."

"Anything for you Michael" i whisperd when he laid his hands on my arms i started to groan out of pain...
"Whats wrong ?" He asked worried as he looked at his hand that was covered in blood..


"Shhh Michael im fine trust me"

"No you arent this
Is my fault!" He yelled Heartbroken as he slapped Himself on his Forehead. 

"NO Michael it isnt your fault !"

" we have to take the bullet
Out of your arm.!" He groaned
Worried as i shook my head violently..

"You want me to die ?
IM NOT DOING THAT!" I yelled as
He looked at me...

"Babe please its for your health" he begged me as i shook my
Head in fear..

"Michael please Dont do this to me"I begged him as tears rolled down my cheeks already .

"Your crying wont heal this wound" he mumbled as i gasped.


Michael then grabbed an emergency kit from his motorcycle and tackles me
Down on the ground violently so i wont run away...

"Michael please NO I CANT DO THIS!"

"No you can you say that all the time"

I gasped as his big hands were  holding
Both of my arms making sure i couldnt go anywhere.

"Michael please dont do this !" i yelled as i started to cry...

"Please dont cry" he said softly
As he grabbed a medical pincet from
The box and some cotton pads and alcohol...

"This will sting a little" he said heartbroken as he covered my mouth with his large hand...
Thats when i felt the  alcohol
Burning On my wound .. it was stinging so bad I couldnt handle the painfull Feeling i started To yell to Cry but Michael held my Yelling back with his hand..

This looked like a rape scene....

He then wiped the blood away from the wound and then i felt the pincet enter
  my wound it was stinging and i tried to get away from Michaels grip but that was Impossible...

Shamone  -MJ Where stories live. Discover now