Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I stood in line with a bunch of nervous first years. I could see Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna watching me. When the stern faced blacked hair woman called my name I walked shakily to the stool. The professor, who told me her name was McGonagall, placed the old hat over my head.

“Oh tough,” said a small voice in my head. “A very quick active mind. Too impatient for Hufflepuff. Not much a Ravenclaw either. Very clever and quite the prankster, you could be a Slytherin,” the hat mused. I didn’t want to be a Slytherin all my new friends were Gryffindors and I wanted to be with them.

“Wait no, you wouldn’t hurt anyone to achieve would you? Okay then better be… GRYFFINDOR!” the hat yelled the last part loud enough for the whole hall to hear. I got up quickly and walked over to the table where the Gryffindors sat. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville clapped loudly for me. I sat down next to Harry and he gave me a huge grin. I glanced up at the staff table to see a tall man. His long hair and beard shone silver. He was wearing spectacles shaped like half moons.

“Let the feats begin,” he spoke. I had been to Hogwarts once before, two years ago during the Triwizard Tournament. I had always tried to be Fleur’s friend but she was very stuck up.

“I remember being here two years ago,” I say.                     

“Oh you transferred from Barbatons right?” Ron asks. I nod.

“Why did you leave?” Hermione asks.

“I got expelled,” I say.

“What did you do?” Neville asked in surprise. Ron looked impressed but Hermione looked disapproving.

“I blew up the headmistress’s office. I was quite the prankster,” I explain.

“Oh Fred and George would have loved you,” Ron says.

“Who?” I ask.

“My twin brothers, they were the pranksters of Hogwarts. They graduated last year,” Ron explains.

“Well I suppose I’ll be taking their place.”

After the feast I went up to my new dorm. Hermione managed to get me placed in her dorm. Ginny, Hermione, I, and a girl named Lavender Brown, and a girl named Parvati Patail were all in the one dorm.

“So how do you like Hogwarts?” Ginny asks.

“Well the feast was pretty nice,” I grin. Snowflake springs into my arms. She was still a kitten with tons of energy. I was tired I felt as if I were about to collapse. I quickly changed into my polka dot pajamas. I tie my hair back and climb into bed.

“Goodnight Isabella,” Ginny says as she clicks out her lamp.

“Bella,” I correct. Ginny was already fast asleep. Hermione wished everyone a good night before she clicked out her lamp. As soon as it was fully dark I fell asleep.

The next morning Hermione had to shake me awake. She reminded me of my mother a little bit. Hermione let me get in the shower after her. I climb in and let the hot water help me wake up. I get out of the shower and blow dry my damp hair. It becomes very straight and I leave it out. I get dressed in the school uniform. Of course, I had to add my own person touches. I found a great pair of gold and scarlet colored knee socks. I usually wear the one lace glove and I slid my hand into it. I did my makeup which consisted of black eye shadow and eyeliner. I looked down at my black painted nails and put a black bow in my hair. I look at myself for a moment and smooth back my hair.

“Come on Issy!” Hermione yells as I gather my books and quills. Hermione leads me down to the Great Hall. I sit down in between Harry and Hermione with Ron and Neville across from me.

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