Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Severus Snape's POV

I walked back to my classroom and sat down. I began to revise a plan. I would take Albus’s advice and let nature take its course. I couldn’t wait to see Isabella on Monday. I’m not sure what I expected but I thought I shouldn’t treat her differently in class. The other students might suspect something. They needed to think that we loathed each other especially if we somehow managed to maintain a student teacher relationship. I thought of Isabella as I wrote down notes. Her long waves of dark brown hair. Her eyes always had a golden light to them. Albus was right. I was really falling for her. I never thought I would feel the same feeling towards someone else as I had toward Lily but now Isabella was changing my mind. That night I dreamed of her. We were in the forest together talking. It looked like a scene from a movie. I felt myself shudder as I woke up. What was wrong with me? I was having dreams about a sixteen year old girl. Oh Isabella Watson. What have you done to me?

Isabella’s POV

My Sunday consisted of studying with Hermione and Quidditch with Harry, Ginny, and Ron. Hermione made me catch up on all homework and she and I tried to prepare Ginny for OWLs which were eons away for Ginny. We took our big exams at Barbatons at the end of every year. The studying was hard and Hermione got me a day planner and wrote out a schedule for Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I. She put in dates for Quidditch and my detentions. I didn’t tell her about my lessons. No need to embarrass myself.

Monday came. I listened in class. Okay I listened in one class and I suppose you can guess which class. You got it Defense against the Dark Arts. I hung on to every word Professor Snape said, but I tried not to look as if I weren’t listening. Snape didn’t give me special attention. I did my work just like everyone else. Weeks passed quickly. I had Quidditch and detentions. One Friday after school I served another lovely detention with Snape. I didn’t even do any real work anymore. I just sat on Snape’s desk and we talked. Snape asked me more about people today. He asked me a lot about my mum and my friends. I told him about Terry, a man my mum was starting to see. I liked Terry okay. He was a tall, young wizard. He was only about twenty eight but I think he made my mum feel younger. Although, Mum was only thirty two. Terry had started coming around a lot this summer. I’m surprised he didn’t come to see me off. I went into detail about my friends. I only had two, Bridget and Miranda. Bridget, Miranda, and I had been the pranksters of Barbatons. I told him about all the crazy stunts we pulled. I had to begin tutoring lessons. Snape gave me many books to study. That was all he did, give me books. He told me he wanted me to get more into reading, to begin memorizing the things I had read. I sat on Snape’s desk again and began to read Hogwarts a History.


“Yes?” I ask.

“Did you ever go to dances or balls?” Snape asks slowly.

“No I never really had a boyfriend to take or anything,” I answer honestly. I didn’t understand why I continued to be honest with Professor Snape. He nodded at me. I went back to reading and I had a feeling Severus was watching me. I felt nervous under his eyes. I tried to focus on my reading and begin memorizing.

“Professor Snape?” I ask.

“Yes Isabella?” Severus asks. I get up and walk up to his desk.

“What does this word mean?” I ask leaning over my book and running my finger across the page, searching for the word. I lean forward and my hair falls next to me. “This one,” I say pointing at it.

Severus’s POV

“Professor Snape?” she asked.

“Yes Isabella?” I answer.

“What does this word mean?” Isabella asks as she approaches my desk. She sets down her book and leans over it. Her hair falls over her face. Her waterfall of hair was merely inches from my face. It smelt like strawberries. I tried not to think about it. The smell of her hair was driving me insane. She was so close.

“This one,” she says pointing at it. I glance at the book.

“Pompous? It means proper,” I say leaning slightly closer to the page. Isabella’s face was inches from mine. We both looked up at the same time and our eyes locked. Her bright golden brown eyes held shock, she looked almost dazed. Her eyes mesmerized me.

Isabella’s POV

His black eyes bore into mine. I felt myself getting lost in them. They were like dark tunnels that pulled you in. I stood frozen in place my head still down. I lowered my eyes back to the book. I lowered my head slightly and broke eye contact. To my surprise Severus’s hand caught my chin and pulled my head back up. Our eyes locked again and he leaned forward closing the small space between our faces. His nose skimmed my forehead, nose, cheeks, and neck. I stood frozen in shock and stayed rooted to the ground. Snape brought his face back up to mine. His nose ran across my face and his lips came close to mine. He stopped at my mouth. Suddenly he backed away from me and cleared his throat.

“You should go,” he says avoiding my eyes.

“Yeah I should. Bye,” I say as I grab my book and walk out the room. I quickly exhale the breath I had been holding in.

Severus’s POV

I dropped into my chair and put my face in my hands. I couldn’t believe what I had just done. Isabella must think I’m some creepy old man now. I sighed. I had never acted so boldly with a female before. What if now our detentions and lessons would be awkward? I had to see her before then. Maybe I could still catch her in the hallway. I rushed down the hallway searching for her. I finally found her. She had been taking her time walking and I was able to catch up.

“Isabella!” I exclaim. She quickly turns around her hair flying behind her. I could tell by the look on her face her heart dropped.

“Uh P-professor Snape, hello,” She stutters. I grab her wrist and gently pull her into a broom cupboard.

“What are you doing?” she asks nervously.

“Don’t be nervous,” I whisper. I acted so boldly I shocked myself and her. I pushed her against the wall ran my fingers up her arms. I leaned down and pressed my lip to hers.

Isabella’s POV

My heart stopped. Fiery electricity shot through my body. Why was my professor kissing me? More importantly, why was I kissing back? I brought my hands up to his neck. He was much taller than me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt a million emotions run through me. Mostly I felt want. I wanted him. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist kissing him harder. I squeezed my eyes shut and lost myself in his arms. He pulled away for breathe.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he whispered more to himself than to me. He quickly pulled away from me, dropping my legs. I stumbled backwards. I grabbed one of the shelves and steadied myself.  Snape cleared his throat and looked at me.

“Isabella, I am so sorry,” Snape says pulling a hand through his hair.

“Don’t be… Just do it again,” I say confidently as I take charge and kiss him. After our second kiss I was backed against the wall. Snape leaned down.

“Do you know what this means?” I ask in a whisper, “It means you are mine and I am yours. Forever.”


YAY THEY KISSED! *Calms down* Make sure you vote and comment ;) Perfect song on the side!

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