Chapter 12

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Sorry for the wait. This is probably much anticpated. Sorry it's so short; I was in a rush. I'll probably edit later. Enjoy


My brain seemed to be in slow motion. I wasn’t sure whether or not to run after Hermione or come up with a plan.  I went with my first choice and sprinted after Hermione. I tore down the hallway. She hadn’t gotten very far. I grabbed Hermione’s wrist.

“Get away from me!” she yelled in anger.

“Please ‘Mione let me explain,” I plead.

“How could you? You told me all about your father and even after that you’re- you’re,” Hermione was so angry she couldn’t finish her sentence.

“What does my father have to do with this?” I ask confused.

“You don’t know?” Hermione asks.

“If I did know would I be asking you?” I ask sarcastically.

“Fine Snape’s a death eater.”


“He’s a death eater. A follower of the dark lord. A follower of Voldemort.” I flinched at the mention of his name. “Oh I guess you didn’t know that Bella. There are consequences to wrong actions, you know,” Hermione spat coldly. She started to turn around.

“Confundo,” I whisper pointing my wand. I felt horrible using a spell on Hermione, let alone while her back was turned. She spun around.

“What’s going on? Oh hello Bella,” she said.

“What are you doing here Hermione?” I ask playing along.

“I um came to- to, oh yes, apologize to you!” Hermione recalled.

"Listen Hermione; you saw nothing. You came down here to apologize and that's it," I told her sternly.

"I didn't see anything. I just came to apologize," she repeated dazedly.

“Alright apology accepted. You’d better hurry along now.”

“Uh y-yes, yes. Bye Bella,” she turned around looking utterly confused. I shook my head sadly. Come Bells, it had to be done, I tell myself. My head don and my shoulders slumped I walked back to the classroom.

“What happened?” Sev asked right away.

“My wand.”

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“Confundo,” I answer.

“Ah good call.” I didn’t respond. “What’s the matter?” he asks studying me.

“Sev… Who are you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Who are you?” I ask louder.

“I don’t understand-“he starts to say.

“I’ll tell you; you’re a liar. And a death eater!” I shriek. I truly believed Hermione; there was no way she would lie to me.

“Where did you hear that?”

“Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters!” he yelled back.

“It doesn’t. All that matters is that you lied to me.” With that I turned on my heel and walked off. I had never been so angry before in my life.

“Bells wait!”

“Don’t call me Bells!” I yelled clenching my fists to my sides.

“Please let me explain,” He pleaded.

“You’ve had a thousand chances to explain! But you didn’t you kept pretending! Did you really think I would never find out?” I screeched. I turn away again and start to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I started to relax.

“You lied to me,” I mumbled. He stroked my hair and whispered apologizes in my ear. “You worship the dark lord. The one who killed my father!” I exclaim. I pushed him away.

“Bells you have to understand! I am a death eater but not for the reasons you think I am.”

“So you really are… ‘One of them’,” I mumble.

“Yes,” and he rolled up his sleeve. The dark mark was black and in the shape of a skull, a long black snake curled down at the bottom. I frowned. It was healthy and glowing.

“What did you mean when you said you were a- you know- for different reasons?” I ask.

“Isabella it’s time I told you.” He took me by the arm and walked us over to his desk. He sat down and waited for me. I finally sighed and sat in his lap.

“Begin,” I tell him.

“Alright. Back in my youth I was a death eater. I was a foolish young man; just out of school with no plans. The dark lord trusted me. I begged for Lily’s life. Right before her- death- I went to Dumbledore. I told him what I knew and hoped he could help me. He could not. I was angry after that. Lily was dead. I begged Albus for help. He took me; making me the potions master. I’ve been loyal to Albus ever since. I pretended to stay loyal while secretly I was Dumbledore’s man. When the dark lord returned I pretended to be loyal to him while I stayed with Dumbledore.”

“So you’re like a spy?”


“And you never told me!” I yelped.

“I apologize love.”

“I just,” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

“I had nothing to do with what happened to your father. I know I should have told you but I wasn’t sure how’d you react,” Sev says. His words touched my heart just as they always did.

“I need to think,” I say standing up. I slowly walk to the door.

“Isabella,” he says. I turn around. He was barley two inches away. He grabbed my chin and tilted my face towards him. The kiss was sweet. And long. He pulled away slightly.

“I’m sorry.” It went silent. I stared at the wall behind him thinking. “I do love you,” he added seriously.

“I know,” I mumbled before turning away. I walked down the hallway and to the common room. I sat down next to Ron and Harry.

“So,” Harry said as I sat.

“I talked to her. She got angry and flipped out on me; she’s real upset Ron.”

“Well it’s not like she shouldn’t have expected me to ever get a girlfriend,” Ron huffed. I could tell he just didn’t want to feel guilty. He obviously felt the same way about her. I put my head down on the table and sighed. Harry secretly fancied his best friend’s sister, who happened to be taken, Ginny and her boyfriend were having endless problems, Ron was with a girl because he probably wanted someone to pay attention to him, Hermione was probably in a stall crying her eyes out because she liked someone who was taken, and as for me, the love of my life just told me he followed the dark lord. Our love life’s at Hogwarts were all doomed.


Just to clarify Bella didn't know about Sev being a death eater. I realized in chapter 9 she did know so now it's edited!

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