Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Going back to my dorm and pretending that our kiss didn’t happen was weird. I knew I felt strong emotions during that kiss. I liked my teacher. That was really messed up. I didn’t know how we would manage a relationship when I was sixteen and he was almost twice my age. But I didn’t care; our ages meant nothing to me. I had asked when I could see him again and he agreed to meet me late tonight. I went back to my dorm after trying to calm myself down. It was late, quarter to eleven o’clock. I unlocked our dorm and found Hermione and Ginny there. Lavender and Parvati were on Lavender’s bed with the four-poster and curtains pulled around them.

“You had a busy night didn’t you?” Ginny asks teasingly.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything!” I say too fast and too shrilly.

“I was kidding Bell,” Ginny smiles.

“Of course you were I knew that. Oh Gin you’re a card,” I laugh nervously, trying to cover up my guilty tone.

“Is this your last detention?” Hermione asks as she pulls a sweater over her pajamas.

“Er no, probably not.”

“Oh well goodnight girls,” Hermione sighs as she pulls her hair back into a ponytail and climbs into bed.

“Yeah goodnight,” I say changing into sweats. I climb into bed and lay still. I remind myself to get up at one a.m. and go meet Severus. I honestly tried to sleep but I only fell into a state between sleep and consciousness. The alarm on my watch went off and I started wake. I got up quickly and quietly pulled on my boots. I zip up my black hoodie and pull up the hood. I rushed to the bathroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth. I grab my wand and tuck it into my pocket as I make my way to the library. I light my wand as I shuffle through the silent hallways.

“Would you mind putting that out?” an annoyed voice asks. I look over to see a painting shielding its eyes.

“Sorry,” I apologize as I dim the wand light. I only had to worry about Filch, but if I was with Severus I didn’t have too much to worry about. I made my way to the library and I waited in the shadows.

“Isabella,” I hear a familiar voice whisper.

“Severus?” I ask in a whisper.

 ‘’Yes,” Severus whispers as he rushes towards me. He gently takes my arm and leads me down the library.

“Where are we going?” I ask softly.

“Be patient Love,” Severus mumbles. We come to a halt in front of a door and he pulls it open. Inside were shelves and shelves of books. There were candles on the walls and a large spiraling staircase lead to a bottom floor full of books.

“What is this place?” I ask in wonder.

“Bella these are the Library Archives.”

“The what?”

“You’ve heard about the Chamber of Secrets correct? Well Rowena Ravenclaw had her own special place. She created this place and attached it to the library. The books in here are much like the books in the restricted section,” Severus explains.

“So this has been here since Hogwarts was first founded?” I ask.


“How did you discover this place?” I ask looking around.

“Professor Dumbledore showed it to me,” Snape says with a slight smile. A true genuine smile. Harry once told me he never saw Snape smile a real smile. I grabbed Severus’s cold hand it held it in my warm one. His hand was big and it wrapped around mine, our fingers intertwined.

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