I literally had the best shower idea EVER.
Okay, so basically (as you can tell by the title) it involves sticky notes, goals, and scheduling. On one wall, you place the sticky notes of all of the goals you've ever wanted to complete. This can range from random homework goals to lifelong goals. Once you complete it, you can easily take it off the wall and throw it in the trash (or the completed goals bin).
On a second wall, put a daily or weekly schedule. The timeline of beginning to end goes from earliest at the top to latest at the bottom. Seems like another one of those "New Year's Resolution Things," right? No, this can actually help you remember what it was that you planned on doing that day. It's simple, really. When you come up with a new idea, lucidly write down what your plans are and stick it on the wall.
Seriously guys, this is better than lists. Anytime you don't want that goal or schedule anymore, just simply take it off the wall. Easier than a calendar in my opinion. You could even have a main diet "schedule." Monday-Thursday, you have to eat as healthy as possible, maybe some chocolate here and there. Friday is free food day and the weekends are whatever you want, just don't go crazy. Just to let you know, this is probably most effective during the summer, when there's a lot more free time and you aren't afraid to do things as much in public *cough* schoolmates *cough cough.* Either way, it would make things simpler. I highly recommend this to Danny, Sam, and most importantly, CAITLYN. For real though, you guys forget just about as much as me...
That's all for now, CIAO! (dang it, that rhymed...)

Literally Random Stuff
RandomIt could either be stuff I wrote or stuff I just want to "broadcast" out to all you lads and lassies. But either way, buckle your seat belts and get ready for an interesting ride!