It could either be stuff I wrote or stuff I just want to "broadcast" out to all you lads and lassies. But either way, buckle your seat belts and get ready for an interesting ride!
Wow, who knows what giving someone a lot of love and support can do! I just want to give a quick shout out to KrazyKatBD . I just want to say something really quick. If you ever are tagged like this and have to tag someone, please don't tag me if it has to do with anime or manga because I haven't really been down that road yet. All I've seen is Kaze No Stigma (that was my first) and Future Diary. I kind of want to see Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid though. I don't know why I do, but the name just catches my eye and I like how the characters are designed. Anyways, enough chat and on with the answers!
1.) Crush? Psh, nah. I'm not even old enough to be in a relationship, so why should I try to force my feelings towards someone at the moment?
2.) Marie. I know, how usual, am I right?
3.) I am 5 foot almost 6 inches. For those who don't know the stupid American way, that's about 167 cm.
4.) I have pretty blue eyes!
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5.) I cried on Tuesday night. I had a lot going through my head that night, most of it was personal, but I'll tell you one of the reasons in the next part of the tag.
6.) It's a tie between losing someone I love and being conscience about going to sleep. I dunno, it just scares me to know that I'm slowly going into a world of blackness where I time warp into another world with light. Losing someone I love would add to that not being able to sleep thing, so yeah, either way I still can't sleep ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
7.) My brother is playing a lot of songs on his guitar right now, but the one that I actually know the title to is All Star.
8.) Danny (aka Captian_DeRp aka Danae) because we're talking about sleep over plans for our crew. \(^○^)人(^○^)/
9.) My favorite app is probably... Snapchat. You can read stuff, talk to your friends, it's free, and there are COOKING STORIES! Yeah, I'm kind of obsessed with watching food cook... If y'all wanna add me and still haven't, I'm jiggywidit13. A very cringe worthy username, I know, but it's better than DancingIsLife13. XD