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     I'll make this chapter short (since you guys can't even understand when I said PLEASE CHOOSE WHAT TOPIC FOR ME TO WRITE in the last chapter). Basically, if you're in the same room as me and my dad whenever we do my math homework together... Scratch that, if you ever get the courage to try to teach me math, just know that there is a side of me that won't stop and is testing your limits of my ignorance. I don't know why this always happens, but I always want to just push the person teaching me math off a cliff and then go burn my homework. It's the stuff that doesn't make any sense what so ever that gets me. Don't worry, I've got a calculator, not too many people will die that attempt teaching me. Oh yeah, if you haven't heard this one yet, M.A.T.H. is Mental Abuse To Humans. I almost completely believe that... Especially when it comes to long division, exponents, and square roots.


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