First of all, I just want to say that I'm not dead. I'll get back to The Pickles soon, don't you worry. My AC LGW teacher just told us that we don't have a writing piece to do this week (yaaassss!). Now, back to the original topic. Coffee. We are all told it helps you get through the day, usually depending on how much you drink or when you drink it. Worried sick that I might pass out during one of my classes today, I decided to have my first mug of coffee after my parents left the house-don't worry, Benjamin doesn't care, and yes, my parents are firm believers that I shouldn't drink coffee. I will tell you, coffee will be bitter no matter how much sweetener, how much hot chocolate mix, or anything else you deem to put in it. I had a mug almost full to the brim with hot chocolate, then I added about a centimeter up the cup of coffee. It was a whole lot bitter than I expected, but I still had to drink it because, HOW ELSE WILL I STAY AWAKE TODAY?!
Well, I'm here to inform you that this strategy does not work. I was tired all day long, and speaking of which, in the next few minutes, the group and I will be running. I could literally close my eyes right now and end up waking up at around 5 o'clock tomorrow. Uuuuugh. The moral of the story here is; if you want to drink coffee to keep yourself awake, stick to some strong coffee with a side of dark chocolate. If that doesn't keep you through the day, then take a cold shower. You have no choice but to go to school anyways.
Literally Random Stuff
RandomIt could either be stuff I wrote or stuff I just want to "broadcast" out to all you lads and lassies. But either way, buckle your seat belts and get ready for an interesting ride!