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cinq | lent
[fr. slow]

 IT HAD BEEN YEARS SINCE THE BALL ,but Andromeda hadn't forgotten the way to the castle

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IT HAD BEEN YEARS SINCE THE BALL ,but Andromeda hadn't forgotten the way to the castle. She noticed the sudden change in climate, when she saw the white snow on ground, and on the trees. Andromeda had regretted not bring a coat with her, not knowing what to expect.

At last she had reached the castle, but it was different than the last time she had saw it. It was dark, gloomy, broken, and abandoned, which was peculiar, why would the Prince leave all of this behind?

The blonde hopped off her horse, to see that there was hay and water. She brought him over, and Jean, began to drink. She swiftly made it up the stairs, to get away from the bitter cold, as Andromeda knocked on the grand door, it seemed to have opened on it's own. Confused, she walked in and nostalgia replaced her confusion, but it had seemed that no one had lived here for years.

"Hello? Prince? Lumière?" She called out, desperate to find them, no had remembered them, everyone expect her.

"Look! It's a girl!" a man's voice whispered, and she turned around to see no one in sight, "who's there? My name is Andromeda, I do not know if you remember me, I came to the last ball you threw?"

"Andromeda!" the man's voice yelled out, and she heard clanks on the floor, then she remembered that voice, Lumière.

"Lumière!" She called out, "where are you?" She frantically looked around the see the man who she first talked to at the party.

"Well, right in front of you of course." she looked down to a golden candelabra, that looks like it has a face on it. She bent down to grab it, and looked at the amazing structure.

"Hello!" The golden candle stick suddenly blurted out, waving it's candle at the girl. A shriek came out of the poor blonde girl, and quickly dropped the talking object to the ground.

"Lumière? Is that really you?" she got down on her knees to see that the candle stick was getting up.

"oui mademoiselle. All of us have turned into household items." Lumière brushing the dust off himself, and gesturing for Cogsworth to come forward and meet the girl.

"what happened? You were fine when I left, and then I saw.." she gasped remembering the old woman, the running, and the flashes of light coming from the ballroom. "was it the old woman?" she question, and Lumière just nodded, sadly.

"And the Prince? Where is he?" Andromeda suddenly hit up from the ground and quickly ran to the stairs to look for the Prince.

"Wait mademoiselle!" He yelled out, she finally decided on a way to go, and she chose the west wing. She ran to find him, but as she was the girl bumped into what seemed like a wall.

But when she looked up, Andromeda saw the Prince ice cold blue eyes. Unfortunately, it was the only part that was truly him, attached to those wonderful eyes was the body of a beast.

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