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{January 11th 2017}


"Get in the water Leah!" Justin yells, making the brunette girl look up from her phone. She shakes her head no, putting her phone on the rocky ground next to her.

"What're you going to do about it?" She challenges, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Justin swims towards her with a mischievous look in his golden-brown eyes. He lifts the brunette girl and spins her around, before dropping her in the water.

Leah laughs loudly, splashing water onto him.

Justin wipes the water off his face, sporting a fake look of surprise. "Oh, that's how it's going to be now huh?" He asks, and Leah slowly nods her head. He splashes her back with water, making her laugh her melodic laugh once again.

Her laugh was music to his ears. Her smile, was absolutely beautiful. Whenever she was happy, he was happy. Justin couldn't believe how attached he was to this girl, that he met only days ago.

Leah was different. She wasn't like the other girls. She didn't want him for his fame and fortune; she wanted him for who he was.

Justin grabs Leah by her waist, and pulls her body towards his. Leah wraps her legs around his waist, so he was holding her up.

It was like a scene out of a movie. They were going to kiss passionately in the water and then announce their relationship to the world, a few days after. And then, they'd get married and have kids. Perfect life, right?

But that life wasn't made for them.

Their lips were inches away from each other when, Justin's phone began to ring loudly, startling them.

"Let me get that, it might be important." Leah unwraps herself from him and glides backwards, giving him some room to swim over to where his phone was lying next to hers.

'Scooter' the caller ID on Justin's phone read. He cursed under his breath before hastily answering the call.

"Hey Scooter." Justin greets casually, his back leaning against the rocky ground.

"Where are you?" Scooter asks in a very calm manner.

"Out with a friend." Justin watches Leah as she floats on her back, and looks up at the clear blue sky that was visible through the tall green trees.

"Who Justin?" Scooter presses on the matter.

"For gods sake! We know you're with Leah!" Leah's manager Jessie exclaims, in the background.

"Am I on speaker?" Justin's face scrunches up in confusion, "And how do you know who she is?"

"I'm her manager!" Jessie exclaims once again, as Justin hops out of the water and sits on the ground.

Leah gracefully swims towards him and smiles up at him, as she rests her arms on his thighs and then rests her head on her arms.

"You and Leah need to get here, now. There are some things that Jessie and I would like to discuss with the both of you." Scooter sighs, hoping that Justin would listen to him.


Interrupting Justin's sentence, he says, "Now Justin. That isn't a request, it's a demand."

"Fine." Justin says through gritted teeth, looking down at the girl that was resting her head on his lap.

He ends the phone call and runs a hand through his short blonde hair. "Leah we have to go. Scooter and Jessie want to talk to us about something."

At the sound of her managers name, she immediately sits up with wide eyes. She had a feeling that she knew what Jessie wanted to talk about.

Jessie was like her second mother, and she isn't stupid. She knows about what kind of person Justin is, and is completely against the idea of Leah and Justin dating.

Leah scrambles out of the water and and quickly pulls her clothes back on. "Let's go! Jessie hates when people are late."

"Do you know what she wants?" Justin questions, as rises to his feet.

"I have an idea of what she could possibly want to discuss."


'Justin are you and Leah dating???"
'How did you two meet?'
'How long have you been dating?'
'Leah look this way!'
'Justin! Over here!'
'Leah and her ex looked way cuter together than you two ever will!'

The last comment got to Justin but he was already inside the building, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Leah." Justin calls out to the brunette girl as she jogs towards the elevator and clicks the button. She ignores him and waits for the elevator. "Leah I didn't mean to drag you into this."

"It's not your fault," Leah speaks quietly, as the elevator opens with a ding.

The two of them step inside silently, not daring to speak another word to each other. Well, Leah didn't want to speak to Justin. But Justin had about a million things, that he wanted to say to her.

The elevator stops at the top floor of the glass building, and they step out, walking in sync, towards Scooter's office. Justin holds the door open for her, and she thanks him quietly.

"Justin! Leah! Glad you could make it!" Scooter greets them, motioning towards the two empty black leather chairs in front of his dark brown desk. "Take a seat."

Justin and Leah look towards each other before hesitantly sitting down. Jessie scrunches her nose in disgust at the sight of Leah; her hair was damp and her clothes were wet.

Scooter opens his mouth to explain why Justin and Leah were here but, Jessie cuts in before he could even say anything. "Let's just cut straight to the chase, yeah?"

Scooter and Jessie exchange a glance before looking back at the young talents that were signed to their labels. "Why are you two hanging out together? Everyone is finally putting it together and I've been getting phone calls from various gossip blogs all morning." Scooter exhales a weary sigh, rubbing his hands down his face.

"We're not saying it's a bad thing. We're just..." Jessie glances at Scooter for assistance.

"We're just a bit confused, that's all." Scooter fills in for her, folding his hands and placing them on the desk.

A moment of silence passes by as Justin and Leah think about what their managers had just asked them.

Justin is the first to speak up, "We're friends Scooter."

"Just friends." Leah confirms with a tight lipped smile. Justin snaps his head in her direction, eyes narrowed and lips pursed.

"Um no, I don't think so." Exhaling a breath, Leah looks towards the blonde boy that sat next to her. "What about what happened in the water?"

Scooter and Jessie look from Justin to Leah and vice versa, confused about what they were talking about. "What happened in the water? What are you talking about?" Jessie asks confusedly.

"Nothing happened okay!" Leah exclaims, rising to her feet. "We're just friends!"

Jessie's looks at both of them, carefully studying their faces. Justin was clearly upset about what Leah had just said moments ago, and Leah's face was full of regret and uncertainty; she herself wasn't even sure about what her and Justin were, to each one another.

"Let's try to keep it that way, yeah?" Jessie says, fully knowing that, that wouldn't be true. Justin and Leah would end up together, one way or another.

A/N: what do you guys think of it so far ??


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