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{March 18th 2017}

"Leah you're being such a bore! Get in the water!" Justin exclaimed as he stomped towards her.

"Um no?" Leah scoffs, pushing her glasses down her nose to give the pop star a glare.

"Why not?" Justin whines, kneeling next to her in the sand.

"Shoo Justin." She waves him off, lying down on the striped beach towel once again.

Justin rolls his eyes before scooping her up in his arms, making her let out a loud gasp. "Put me down!" Leah shrieks as Justin runs towards the water.

"Put you down?" Justin repeats what she had asked as he steps into the water. Leah hastily shakes her head, clinging onto him. "Careful what you wish for," Justin says in a sing-song voice, as he drops the brunette girl into the water.

She swims back up to the surface with a glare on her face, and her Prada sunglasses in her hand.

She points a finger at him, "I hate you."

"I love you too." He lifts her up again and spins her around.

"What's wrong with you today?" Leah giggles as he sets her on the ground once again.

"I'm feeling very..." Justin trails off, not really sure what word to use.

"Flirty?" Leah offers with a smirk, folding her arms across her chest.

"That's it! That's how I'm feeling." Justin grins, tugging Leah towards him. As he leans closer to her, Leah realizes what he was trying to do.

She steps backwards, laughing nervously while playing with her wet hair. "I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat."

Justin blinks a couple times trying to figure out if he had upset her, with the move he had attempted to make. "Uh yeah. Let's go..." He awkwardly runs a hand through his hair, inwardly cursing at himself.

They walked side by side as they approached their towels and bags. They both kept sneaking looks at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

Leah wasn't sure where this sudden lust for a romantic relationship had come from. Justin seemed completely fine with being just friends before, what changed within the last couple days?

Truth be told, even Justin wasn't sure why he was acting like this. All he knew was that, he couldn't handle being in a platonic relationship with Leah any longer.


"Nice house," Leah comments, looking around Justin's house, "Very big."

"That's what she said." Justin says with a wink, making the blue eyed girl roll her eyes.

After spending the whole day at the beach, they decided to head home. However, Justin being the horny Justin he is at the moment, invited Leah over to his house to spend the night.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Justin stretches out his hand for Leah to take, and she takes it without any hesitation.

Justin wanted to ask Leah to be his girlfriend but he was afraid that she would say no, and it would ruin their friendship.

As Leah walks into Justin's room, the first thing she notices is the huge flat screen tv hanging on the wall opposite his king sized bed. "Let's watch something on Netflix!" Leah says, jumping onto Justin's bed.

Justin dramatically places a hand on his heart before kissing his finger and pointing upwards. "I always knew we'd Netflix and chill one day. Thank you God."

Leah stares at the boy with a puzzled look. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Whatever do you mean sweetheart?" Justin asks, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"See!" Leah exclaims, throwing her hands in the air. "You're acting more flirty than usual and it's sort of freaking me out. Like I understand that you call me cute pet names all the time but, it's happening more than usual and-"

Leah's ranting is cut short when Justin silences her with a kiss. He pushes her backwards on to the bed, hovering above her as their lips moved in sync.

Once Leah realized what was happening, she hastily pushed Justin away from her and immediately sat up, taking deep breaths.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Leah yells, her heart pounding against her chest. She had feelings for Justin, she just couldn't bring herself to admit them.

"I'm sorry! You looked so kissable and I panicked and I did the first thing that came to my mind-"

"And that was to kiss me?!" Leah shouts, hoping off the bed. "I can't believe you Justin!"

"No Leah wait!" Justin calls after her as she grabs her bag and runs out of his room.

She felt violated. If he had at least given her a warning, she wouldn't have reacted like that.

"Leah would you just listen to me!" Justin yells. Leah stops at the bottom of the staircase and slowly turns around, waiting to hear his answer.

"Well go on." She says through gritted teeth, glaring at the blonde boy.

"Leah I really like you and I thought that, you liked me as well. So-"

"So you thought it was okay to kiss me out of nowhere?" Leah says, sounding much calmer than she did before.

"I don't understand why you're overreacting so much. It was just a kiss." Justin say angrily, folding his arms across his chest.

"My bad Justin." Leah gives him the sweetest smile she could muster, at the moment. "Why don't you go find a girl that won't overreact when you kiss her without giving her any warning."

"There's plenty of girls that are willing to kiss me." Justin says with a roll of his eyes. Leah gives him a look of disgust before running out of his house, leaving him alone in the middle of his staircase. "But they aren't you." He adds with a whisper, sitting down on the dark brown step.

A/N : 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

ughh schools right around the corner and I want to kms. but on the bright siDE I saw Shawn and Charlie on the 12th and it was the best thing ever omfg they're incredible.

also now I gotta wait till January for the new season of my fav show. bummer.

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