Spread Some Love

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PuppyRoss~ the world is scary and I don't like it

PuppyRoss~ even though it's been awhile since we all talked, I love you guys

BadWolfBreezy~ Ryan, hun, it's been maybe a day

PuppyRoss~ Too long, unacceptable

PuppyRoss~ Plus Brendon & agent Romanoff are still sleeping and I'm all alone with my semi super sad thoughts

TotheMAX~ Do you need a hug?

PuppyRoss~ I need Broadway tickets, but a hug would be a nice substitute

DallontheDad~ aren't Pete & Patrick back yet?

PuppyRoss~ one day more unless something changes

PuppyRoss~ I don't care I love baby Natasha I love babies in general

PuppyRoss~ they can't talk yet & don't fully understand what I'm saying

JackSkellington~ nope, not relatable, unsubscribed

BadWolfBreezy~ Oh, hush, you!

BadWolfBreezy~ I don't think I say it enough, but I love you all too <3

Gaskbarf~ thanks mom, love you

GaylyWilliams~ excuse you, I am your mother

Gaskbarf~ I am a man of many mommies

JackSkellington~ I'm his daddy

Gaskbarf~ son of a bitch

DallontheDad~ I love all of you too, but Breeze, do you know that you are my favorite person?

BadWolfBreezy~ you sappy son of a bitch I love ya

PuppyRoss~ use protection you two, might end up with another tummy child

TheHappyCamper~ we need a dude child, thou, they're all girls

JonZombie~ we need the chosen one

Smiththemyth~ a male eirer in a sea of estrogen

JonZombie~ that's not how you spell heir, babe

Smiththemyth~ shut the fuck up where were you when I was typing that!?

ThatWay~ I feel your spelling betrayal pain

UndeadIero~ I don't, #teamcanspell

GaylyWilliams~ I've seen you tweet plenty of spelling mistakes

UndeadIero~ she's seen too much

ToToro~ has she seen Mikey's baby yet? Because that thing is adorable

Gaskbarf~ "that thing" me

PuppyRoss~ babybabybabybaby

ToToro~ /1 Photo Attached/

ToToro~ he's also currently passed out in a weird position on this small hospital chair, look

ToToro~ /1 Photo Attached/

WentzIsWack~ how do his legs do that

PuppyRoss~ must be how his girl got that baby belly in the first place

GaylyWilliams~ RYAN OH MY GOD

WentzIsWack~ .(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Soulofapunk~ omg you meme

Soulofapunk~ hey, I love all you guys too, but I'm gunna mute the chat to sleep & avoid wherever this conversation goes

UndeadIero~ but the fun's just begun

Soulofapunk~ so long, I'm out

PuppyRoss~ goodnight

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