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─ mix up ─

The now confused reaper stared at the man, his eyebrows started to crease before deciding that he should probably answer the call for him. Fishing out the phone out of Yoongi's pocket easily and looked at the caller ID. "Destructive grape", must be a nickname. He slid answer.

"Yoongi? Where are you right now? This is Seokjin, I'm picking you up tell me where you are." (F/N) listened to him ramble before the line went quiet.


After a few moments, (F/N) opened his mouth. "Um this isn't Yoongi.." He said to the phone, he pulled it away when someone shouted in the background and there seemed to be an argument going on before the first voice, which he took as Seokjin's, spoke again.

"Sorry I think I called the wrong number. I must've disturbed you at this time--" (F/N) cuts his second set of ramble off.

"No, you called the right number, I'm with Yoongi and he just fainted. I could bring him around instead of making you go all the way back to the bar." He explain, it was answered by silence and you had to check if the call was dropped, but apparently, it's still connected.

"My name is (F/N)." He said to break the awkward silence.

"Alright (F/N)ssi, meet me in front of McDonald's at--"

After dropping the call, Seokjin tossed the phone, the device landing directly on Namjoon's stomach. "What the heck I thought you were gonna break my stomach." He groans while Jin shrugs his jacket on. "At least I didn't break your phone." Came the reply of the older before finally going out of the dorm and putting his facemask on.

(F/N) adjusts his grip around Yoongi and pulled the hood of his now-normal-looking jacket lower on the other's head. He's in front of the McDonald's, looking around for someone that might possibly be 'Seokjin', he should've checked out the file of the guy while he changed clothes.

The (s/c) skinned male shifts, adjusting his grip around the other once again and whispered to the sleeping man behind him. "Min Yoongi, what does Seokjin look like?" He then chuckles, realizing how weird he looked like when he did that.

Someone in his peripheral vision moved forward, (F/N) looked up at the man clad in a baby pink jacket and facemask on, smiling at the new guy.

The man moved his mask and returned the smile. "I take it that you're (F/N)? With Yoongi on your back I may not be wrong?" He asks which (F/N) nodded to in reply.

"Yes, can you carry Yoongi home or do you need my help?" He asked, chuckling a little when the man on your back stirred at the mention of his name, his nose nuzzling the nape of his neck and tickling him in the process.

"I normally could but we all just went home after a long day..." Seokjin starts before pausing for a moment and groaning out loud. "I should've took Rap Monster with me aish--" he then stopped his third ramble and looked at you, bottom lip pouring out, quite awkwardly, he turned to face the (colour) haired male one again.

"(F/N)ssi do you mind walking down the next two block? Our dorm is right there, I'll take him inside from there." (F/N) waited for him to finish, head tilted to the left and a small smile on his face.

"It's alright Seokjin, I can carry Yoongi since he's not so heavy." He then urged him towards where Seokjin came from. "Shall we go? It's getting more late."

And so, they left the brightly lit 24/7 fast food chain.

"Hey (F/N)ssi, do you mind if I get your contact number?" A few blocks away from a tall building, the brown haired man beside (F/N) asked to see the other's phone. He swiftly fished it out of his pocket while still holding on to Yoongi, and handed it over to Seokjin. He fiddled with the phone before handing it back and pulling out his own phone. "Thanks."

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