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Days later, the fact that his soul was almost claimed "dead" in a stinky alley was pushed to the back of Yoongi's mind.

Thanks to BTS' tight daily schedule on preparing their upcoming album, he spent hours on end composing, finishing, redoing or just polishing the songs; that he ended up skipping meals and staying healthy in general aside from the late night brisk showers he takes before passing out on his desk.

Three weeks down, it was almost two in the morning, when Yoongi heard knocking on his studio's glass window. He didn't hear it at first, being too occupied with something in the background elements of their title track that seemed out of place- until his phone started vibrating.

He didn't really appreciate the interruption, and was about to scold whoever it was that decided to call him (he didn't really check the caller ID) when (Name) started speaking.

"Open your damn window Yoongi, I don't have much stamina even if I am a reaper you know." The younger of the two whips his head to the direction of the window, where he found the older casually standing on the leverage under the window.

"Are you stupid?!" Yoongi nearly shouts to the grinning (colour) haired male as he opens the window. Casually grabbing his pale hands. "You could have fell, or someone could have seen you. Geez I hope you remember there's a highway nearby." He rambles on, but stops mid way when (Name) just plops himself on the couch, already closing his eyes.

"Hey don't just sleep here!"

He starts scolding, but he stopped after a few seconds, footsteps fading away that (Name) assumed to be the other giving up. However, he soon felt a warm blanket being placed gently over his curled up figure on the couch, he opened his eyes slightly and saw Yoongi's back turned to him, about to sit back down.

"Yoongi." He calls out, voice soft as he was nearly unconscious. He got a hum in return so he extended his hand out.

"What now?"

"Lay beside me." He answers, extending his legs to the armrests and letting his feet dangle off. (Name) grabbed Yoongi by the wrists and pulled, also putting the covers on top of him.

Yoongi, caught by surprise, started squirming as he felt the warmth that was ironically enough; from a supposed already dead guy.

(Name) subconsciously started raking his hand through Yoongi's hair, arm around the other's waist like he would do to a pillow. "I had to go to and fro from Seoul to Gyeongsangnam, c'mon. Let me just rest. And I know you want to rest too. Ah no, you have to rest. I have a feeling that you've been working non stop since yesterday." He leaves no room for argument and just squishes Yoongi with his leg.

"Let's rest, okay?"

The morning Yoongi woke up, (Name) was nowhere to be found. Yoongi, from the blanket burrito he had somehow woken up in, saw a take-away breakfast set neatly placed on his table. He glanced towards the clock, it was nearly eleven in the morning and that was the longest sleep he'd had for a while.

Thanks to (Name), he guess.

He stood up and stretched, noticing a cup of coffee beside the food. He grabbed that one immediately and took a sip, then, a blue paper caught his eye. He read the letter as he leaned on the chair, a small smile forming on his lips as he finished reading. 

Yoongi went back to producing with a smile and a refreshed feeling that day.

The two didn't end up meeting for six days, Yoongi being busy as usual and (Name) collecting souls from different districts. 

On the seventh day, however, Yoongi found himself opening the window to the male, who leveled up and was holding two cups of instant noodles. He got a toothy grin as soon as he opened the window to let the older in again.

This continued on for a month, since the two couldn't meet during the day, and admittedly, both males got used to it that (Name) didn't even need to call Yoongi's phone.

Every time the clock reaches two in the morning, Yoongi already has his window unlocked.

"You're not staying up late just for me to visit you, are you?" (Name) asked in the middle of their meal, Yoongi choked on his beef pancakes, was his 'interrupted producing' setup not convincing enough? He was pretty sure he opened the right file before he waited for the other male to drop by.

"I-I was not!" Yoongi defends himself, but he just got laughed at when (Name) saw the pink flush on his pale ears.

"You're so cute, Yoongi."

That was the last time they've met for a while, Yoongi thought that maybe it was because the reaper was extra busy, and he was assigned to collect souls even from a different country. He won't be surprised, since (Name) told him that he once had to 'fly' over to Enschede with Mortem because they were too short on people-- er, reapers one time.

However, the two usually kept in touch through messages, even though (Name) once said that he didn't want to spam Yoongi with unnecessary messages in case he was busy or in a broadcast. This time, not a single message came from (Name).

One afternoon, after a pre-recording session on Mnet, Yoongi had had enough, it's been two months since the reaper had last made his presence known so there stood Yoongi in a corner of their waiting room, phone pressed against his ear as the other six members were filming a Bangtan bomb episode.

The ringing  resounded in Yoongi's ears, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in when it stopped.

"Hey (Name)--"

"Yoongi hyung, this is Mortem."


"Why did you pick up...? Where's (Name)?"

"Ah, (Name) hyung... well, how do I say this.."

"Spit it out, I've been worrying about it."

There was a short silence shared, Mortem can't help the smile that showed on his face, but he knew it wasn't the time to be smiling.

"(Name) hyung's been called by the higher ups... He hasn't returned since he came from your studio."


o nooooe

i should be able to finish this in two chapters

also fml i injured myself during dance rehearsal yesterday what am i doing


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