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Yoongi leaned back on his seat at the mall, sipping on a fruit shake as he waits for his friend to come back from a jewelry store. He was starting to get sleepy, the long duration of walking around to find the perfect ring tired him out, and he was glad that he was allowed to sit down while the other went to pay.

He suddenly felt cold skin drape over his eyes as he a pair of hands covered his vision.

"Guess who?" It took Yoongi about three seconds before he fully processed the voice just beside his right ear, and he let out a groan before facing his right as he let out in a huff. "What are you doing here (Name)?"

He didn't notice that he took the other by surprise, their faces nearly touched, okay maybe (Name) should have left a bit of space in between them when he decided to tease the other. In said surprise, (Name) hurriedly took his hands off of Yoongi's eyes and covered his flustered expression by grinning. "What? As if you weren't missing me."

He laughed when Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I wasn't and I won't ever, seriously." And then the older couldn't help his self but to pinch the cheeks of the other, earning a slap on the hand. (Name) just grinned and took the seat next to the rapper.

"So, watcha here for?" He asked, casually taking the shake from Yoongi's hand and taking a sip. Yoongi eyed him with a stank face, earning raised brows from the reaper in question. "What is it?"

"Why are you so different from the first time we met? Wasn't your... job, supposed to make you act cool or aloof or something like that?" Yoongi voiced out his thoughts and (Name) can't help but find the creased brows of the idol rather cute and he cooed at it internally, taking another sip of the shake. "This is good." He notes before answering the question. "What, can't I be different outside of work?" He shakes his head, "being serious all the time gets tiring too you know."

Yoongi hums, taking back the shake (Name) handed him, noticing that he was nearly empty so he knocked the plastic on the older's head. "Just drink it all and go." He muttered, half meaning it.

"Thank you very much." (Name) replied in a not so thankful tone and resumed his earlier actions. "So, what are you doing here? You didn't answer me the first time."

"Ah, I'm here with a friend. We bought a gift for Seokjin." Yoongi mumbled, leaning back onto his seat. "A friend?" (Name) repeated, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, a friend." Yoongi answers, not finding anything wrong with it until two seconds later, so he turned to face the other. "He's Seokjin's boyfriend." He adds in a plain voice, the other nodding in understanding.

"Is he planning to propose?" He asked, somehow just guessing from what he saw the other people had done. Yoongi nodded. "They've been dating for quite a long time now." And the (colour) haired male smiled. "That's nice."

"Shuga!" The first one to look over was the reaper, as he saw a tall male with messy hair and paper bag in hand, speed walk towards the rapper. "Did I make you wait for too long?" He asked, his eyes landing on (Name), "Oh, hello. Are you a friend of Yoongi?" He earned a jolly nod as Yoongi himself said a "more or less."

The purple haired male held his hand out to (Name). "Nice to meet you, I'm Nam Sangmin, if Yoongi already mentioned, I'm Seokjin's boyfriend." They shook hands, and (name) introduced his self.

"Ah, so you were the one Seokjin was talking about." He grinned, the oldest of the bunch laughed. Knowing that the he will also grow to like this guy's personality.

A clearing of throat made them turn to the youngest, Yoongi blinked and removed his fist from his mouth. "Sangmin hyung, shall we get going?"

"Oh? Yeah sure. It's almost dinner time anyway, Seokjin must be waiting for us." He turns to (Name) and nudges Yoongi. "What?" The mint haired man hisses but then he follows Sangmin's eyes and makes eye contact with the reaper.

He felt heat creep up to his face and he averts his eyes. "Hey.. yeah we'll be going now..." He waves lightly before turning back, giving a last look to the other male and stepping away.

"Ah, Yoongi-ah!" (Name) calls out, making the two males stop, Yoongi received a nod from Sangmin and a 'I'll wait for you by the entrance' before he turned back to the older. "Yes?"

"Um..." there it is again, the same shade of a very faint pink spread across (Name)'s face, his hand reaching up to scratch the nape of his neck. "Can I get your number?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, silently questioning the male who grew more embarrassed as seconds passed. "I... I just want to talk to you more, I guess?" He mumbles out, looking at Yoongi in the eyes.

Yoongi would have rejected but he, for the first time since they met, actually found the male adorable and before he knew it he passed his unlocked phone to the other. "Save yours here and give me your phone."

After the exchange, he saw (Name) light up with a smile on his face. "Then, I guess I'll talk to you later, Yoongi-ah."

The mint haired male let out a small smile. The words "I'll see you later, (Name)" leaving his lips as he turned away and left the reaper in the food court, a stupid but adoring smile on his face.

Walking beside Sangmin, Yoongi can't help but let his mind wander back to the older male he just spoke to. Somehow finding it harder to deny that he actually found the other adorable, with his facial expressions and the different pitches of voice just adding more to the fact that (Name) is slowly overwriting the bad vibes Yoongi got from him the first time they met.

And he honestly can't wait until he sees every cute side of (Name).


 im stress writing because fuck it

also look a these two flirting


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