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Both (Name) and Yoongi sat across each other on the floor, sipping from a strawberry juice box that the Yoongi "just so happened" to have in his mini fridge. And totally not because the rapper was expecting (Name) to drop by that early morning with snacks.

"Hey, I've been wondering..." Yoongi started, just plain curious about something.


"Is it alright for you to be like this?"

"Be like what?" (Name) asked back, not really getting what Yoongi wanted to ask.

"You know, you visit me nearly every week. Are you guys not strict about rules?" Yoongi elaborates, setting his empty juice box down on the floor beside (Name)'s earlier finished one.

The reaper finally understood. "Oh, yeah, we are strict about rules."

Yoongi leaned in. "And you don't have any strict rules to follow about interacting with humans?" He got a grin in return.

"We do!"

"And have you been following them?" Yoongi asked again, leaning closer.

The older suddenly hiccups, then, in a very cheerful tone, answered. "Not everything!" The reply Yoongi got was nearly startling, did the juice box make this reaper drunk? Certainly not, he was pretty sure the juice box was just juice. Unless this guy was out of his mind. And at this moment? Yoongi wasn't so keen on disagreeing at that thought.

"There was this one rule, that I've been continuously breaking..." (Name) laughs, suddenly feeling fatigued. "Or was it two? I don't know yet, but I do know that I've been disobeying something already."

The rapper grew more curious, and maybe a little bit worried. He tried to find out more from (Name) as he shook the other, their head already resting against Yoongi's. "(Name)?"

"One of it was like... being close with humans?" Then there was silence, Yoongi taking in the information was momentary, when he realised that the reaper had already dosed off; he suddenly felt the exhaustion of working all day take over him-- and so he fell asleep, head resting against (Name)'s.

It was three and a half  in the morning when (Name)'s phone beeped, a message from one of his close co-workers saying that someone may have ratted him out to the higher ups.

And it was eight in the morning of that same day when Yoongi woke up from Jungkook calling his phone, he was snuggled on the couch, the floor clean and no trace of the juice boxes left behind visible. As if he didn't have (Name) over just not even ten hours ago.

He picked up the call, greeted by Jungkook's voice reminding him to get home to get ready and freshen up before their one o'clock schedule.

Yoongi rubbed his temples, finally getting a clue as to why (Name) had stopped visiting him.

The next time the rapper was free, he was in a shop, sitting in front of Mortem, who had confessed that he really just ditched the new reaper he was temporarily assigned to be with, since (Name)'s suspension, the younger one has been passed on to another senior reaper.

"Do you love (Name) that much?" Yoongi laughs through his nose. Directing the topic to another thing to a, what he hopes, lighter one. However, it seems that Mortem likes to be sappy.

He nods to Yoongi's question, fingers tracing his cup of strawberry shake. "Yeah. When I was... New to this whole thing, he was the one who took me in. He helped me through a lot. Even when I got picked on by other new reapers who were improving drastically."

If you asked Mortem why he was so attached to his senior, he would gladly tell you, as even he himself will never be able to forget the reason. Mortem was a weak reaper, well-- he was labelled as 'weak' by the older reapers; because out of the other reapers who arrived the same time as him, he was the slowest in showing his improvement. He was considered a burden, and so he was placed under the care of (Name) who was just promoted to a higher reaper status.

The two had been through a lot.

"Ah, that's right." The younger changes the topic himself. "The meeting with the higher ups are supposed to last for a week at most. But since he was suspended a month ago, he should be starting to pop up around here sooner. Knowing him, he won't be able to take not being to annoy you. He likes you too much."

Yoongi spit his iced coffee, Mortem laughing hysterically at him, he would have laughed too, if only Yoongi didn't get a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach at the final parts of the sentence. It wasn't the bad feeling, in fact, he felt... better? All he knows is that he's looking forward to the moment he meets eyes with the (colour) eyed male again.

Wow speak of the devi-- well reaper, and he shall appear. Yoongi mused, in front of a grinning (Name) who was wearing a dark red jacket and jeans, bag of groceries in hand. Yoongi didn't fail to notice that even for someone who's supposed to be already dead, the older has been extra paler, contrasting the dark rings under his eyes and his chapped lips-- his once smooth lips that Yoongi often caught himself staring at.

The rapper wanted to smack himself on the head when the words came out of his mouth. "You look like shit."

(Name) raised his eyebrows for a second before grinning again. "Thanks for noticing that. I actually got a normal human job when I got suspended so I ruined my sleep schedule."

Yoongi frowned. "What job did you get?"

"Cashier at that 24 hour convenience store." (Name) points to the one at the next street, yawning afterwards.

The other remained frowning, following (Name) and walking beside him. "You haven't dropped by in a while." He reminds. "You didn't even text me once."

(Name) let out a small laugh, stopping for a while to look at Yoongi with a lazy smile on his face. "You missed me that much?" He jokes, slinging an arm around Yoongi's shoulders before continuing to walk. When he got asked where he was planning to bring the younger, he smiled and said;

"Come over, I'll cook lunch for us."

Yoongi was about to decline, but debated against it at the last second and nodded, his steps falling alongside (Name)'s.

"Sure, I needed to ask you about something anyway."



next chapter is the last chapter???

the question is will i be able to fit it in tho?!?!?


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