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"Thanks for accepting my invitation, you helped a lot last night." Seokjin thanked the (h/c) haired male as they left the restaurant. Mortem popped his head in between the two, bouncing brightly. "Helped with what? Also now that it's been mentioned, (Y/N) hyung how did you become acquaintances with idols?" He questions, wondering how his favourite hyung met his (probably) favourite humans.

(Name) scratched the nape of his neck. "Well before I headed out to work last night, I saw Yoongi passed out by an alleyway." He stopped for a while, pushing the younger's head off of his shoulder as Yoongi scoffed beside Seokjin. "And after making a mess of himself I decided to help him out." He leaves out the fact that Yoongi was the reason he had to go to Gwangju (well not really 'go' since he can just suddenly appear there but..) since Mortem would probably figure out what he really did.

"Really? Yoongi hyung looks like the type of guy who just becomes emotional when he becomes drunk." Mortem comments, looking the the male behind him as Yoongi playfully narrows his eyes at the youngest.

"I don't. I hold my alcohol well." He counters, Mortem laughing loudly with the vocalist. "Yeah sure." And the three laughs when Yoongi groans.

"Hyung this is our turn." Mortem tugs on his arm, the older male turning to him. "Ah yeah. Well then Seokjin, Yoongi, Mortem and I will be heading now. See you guys around." He smiled at them, taking a couple more seconds on maintaining eye contact with Yoongi before walking away.

"It's him, isn't it?" Mortem broke the five minute silence that was in between them. Surprising the other and made him look up from messing with a strand of his hair that fell down in front of his face. "Hm?"

"I'm talking about Yoongi hyung." The younger adds, a serious glint in his eyes. (Name) continues walking, a small laugh escaping his lips. "I thought you wouldn't notice." He said, he saw the glint leave immediately as Mortem replied. "I know my favourite hyung."

It made the (colour) eyed male laugh. "Yeah, I forgot about that." He touches the younger's hair in an affectionate manner before he answered the first question. "Yeah. It was him."

"You do know how bad it can get, but still, why did you do it?" Mortem, being the curious reaper he is, had asked again. He watched as (Name) took his time to think about his answer, eyes not leaving his shoes when they stopped by a crosswalk.

He didn't pressure his hyung to answer even when they started crossing the road, but he did look immediately when the other opened his mouth, a street away from his house and before Mortem leaves the other way.

"You know the reason why."

i cross posted this on aff :> hope it goes well ehe


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