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"What exactly happened, why am I still alive?"

That question, the (coloured) haired male knew it would be said, but he wasn't really expecting Yoongi to catch on (or honestly, even remember) about the event that happened months ago. The event that had let the two cross paths.

That question caught (Name) off guard.

He tried to play it off by laughing quietly, not answering even after a few seconds. And Yoongi didn't mind that much, he figured the other was trying to figure out how to explain it to him; well, that was what the rapper had picked up during the moments he spent with (Name), the moments during their early morning hang outs. He found the reaper suddenly going silent on several occasions when he thinks seriously about something.

After a few more seconds, Yoongi adds again. "You did something, did you?"

Then he watched as his lips curl up into a light smirk, Yoongi did not hesitate to smack the reaper on the head, the other yelping and immediately pouting.

"Stop that. I'm being serious here." He scolds, (Name) nods slowly and rubbed the nape of his neck with a red tint on his cheeks before clearing his throat.

They continued walking, a bag of groceries hanging off one hand each as they passed by a park.(Name), as if automatically, began stepping on the orange fallen leaves and enjoying the crunching sound it makes beneath his feet. Then he finally decides to speak.

"Yeah. I did do something." He admits, turning to the fountain in the centre of the park and leaning against it. Yoongi follows suit, silently asking why he did that.

Sometimes both of them wonder how they just seem to know what each other wanted to say, (Name) would ask it out loud, but knowing Yoongi; he would find it either cringy, embarrassing or weird and just leave him behind, a cute pink hue spread across his cheeks to his ears.

(Name) would love that.

Said reaper opened his mouth, watching as a leave slowly fell from a nearby tree. "Didn't I tell you? I don't really collect people's souls if they were not meant to die, plus..." Yoongi leaned closer as his voice grew smaller. "You still have a lot to prove, Yoongi."

"But..." Yoongi slowly voiced out his main concern this whole time. "Won't you be in trouble?"

There was a strong gust of wind, aside from Yoongi's warm breath that (Name) felt on his face that contrasted it, both males had a strong sense of déjà vu. And very slowly, a smile spread across the reapers lips.

"Just like I said, if it's you, I can endure the punishment." (Name) whispered, watching as Yoongi's eyes followed the movement of his lips.


"Why do you think?"

Neither of them spoke after that, just leaned in closer to each other.


Yoongi rubbed his eyes drowsily, finding a foreign object in between his arms, he looked down to see his arms holding onto (Name)'s arm, said male asleep next to him on the couch with a blanket over the two of them. It was two days after they both have met again and they have been going in a steady pace. Even resuming their early morning meet ups.

And Yoongi liked it.

He stood up and stretched as he walked to the studio's bathroom, grabbing his phone and ordering a breakfast from a nearby food place that both he and (Name) liked. He walked out a little bit later, wiping his mouth of water after brushing his teeth and saw the other male stretching cutely on the  couch. Yoongi walked over and pulled on his cheeks as he sat down on (Name)'s stomach.

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