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─ mix up ─


Was all that (F/N) said, making the other look up and stop walking. He raised a hand and waved at them, gaining the attention of both males in front of the store. Seokjin waved back, signalling that he saw you and the two stopped in front of them.

"Glad you made it!" Seokjin happily said while Yoongi stood beside him, licking his dry lips silently. It took him a recognition from his companion before he realized that (F/N) had, indeed, brought someone with him. He didn't really care, as long as he gets his food just as Seokjin promised when he dragged him out of the dorm.

"Hi Yoongi." The (colour) haired male smile to the male who only looked at him for a split second before looking away. Laughing, (F/N) turned to the youngest on the bunch. "Oh yeah, he's my junior at work." He took the nods at him as cue and bowed.

"Hello, my name is Mortem. I'm (F/N) hyung's colleague." He smiled at them, only gaining one back from Seokjin and a small smile from Yoongi, who, after a few moments, stretched and jerked his head towards the entrance. "Let's go eat I'm hungry." Mortem followed, yelling an "I'm hungry!" as well.

The four of them were directed to a seat, Mortem and Seokjin already talking even while choosing what they're going to pick off the menu.

"What about you hyung?" Mortem passed the menu, somehow already expecting what (F/N) was going to order. And almost as soon as his eyes landed on a spicy food, he yelped. "This one! This one!" Surprising the two guys with them and making Mortem laugh hysterically at their expressions.

Finally getting over his laughter, he turned to Yoongi and Seokjin. "Hyung just likes spicy stuff too much." He explained, the other two just nodding in reply before calling a waiter over.

"Sorry, was I weird?" (F/N) rubbed the back of his head, eyes not meeting with neither Seokjin's or Yoongi's who were looking straight at him. The attention made him flustered, which surprised Yoongi a bit, since the same guy whom he had encountered just that midnight had this cool and serious aura around him, and not to mention, he seemed calm. Unlike now, where he got flustered because he was excited over a dish.

"That's cute..." Yoongi said in a low voice, catching both Seokjin and (F/N) off guard, and they simultaneously turned to look at the male, Yoongi rose an eyebrow at them. "It is though." Said Mortem, nodding aggressively to Yoongi's earlier statement.

"You little--" (F/N) raised his hands and was about to pinch the youngest when he stood up and ran to Seokjin's side of the table, actually hiding under the two's legs as they looked in confusion. "He doesn't like it that much when he gets called cute." Mortem said to the two, Seokjin nodded in understanding as Yoongi took a mental note of it. Why he did, he probably didn't think of that time.

The older let out a sigh of frustration, eyeing Mortem from his side of the table. "Shut up, come sit back here before you start creating a scene." He mumbles, patting the side of the seat that the younger sat on earlier. "Ah, but hyung, you seem more excited than usual on ordering, are you that hungry?" Mortem did sat back, but continued to tease his senior, he didn't actually expect him to reply.

"Yeah I did, I had to go to the company's branch in Gwangju. They were short on people and they had to call me, I kind of missed breakfast because of that.." His left hand went back to rubbing the back of his head, Mortem seemed surprised for a split second before a fake look of hurt replaced his features as his bottom lip juts out, Yoongi watched the exchange quietly, eyes flickering over to his group-mate beside him.

"Why didn't they contact me too then?" Mortem asked, eyes looking at his senior, who only looked back in return, having used to the other doing this. "I work for them too!" (F/N) seemed to be reminded of something before a soft grin spread on his lips, he lifted his left hand off his own head and moved it to Mortem's, messing the already messy magenta hair, the younger flinched and glared at (F/N) as he scooted away.

The older chuckled, fixing his position he smiled to the surface of the table, temporarily paying no attention to the two males in front of him. "Wow, says the one who only had an hour of sleep before pestering me." The four of them thanked the waiter who came with their drinks, as (F/N) drank his lemon juice, Mortem finished his first sip, wincing at the coldness before he turned back to the (colour) haired male. "Okay but I got at least two hours before heading for the night thing, you? I bet that you didn't even took a nap after you came back from Gwangju." He said, and was actually surprised when the other only hummed in response.

"I didn't."

Mortem slowly turned to his right and grabbed (F/N) by the side of his head, surprising the remaining three people with him as he cradled the (colour) haired male to his chest, cooing in a mocking tone as he cooes "my poor son, I'd complain to the company if I wasn't fairly new." (F/N) released himself from the hold. Rolling his eyes playfully.

"Yeah sure you would. You'd get fired in a heartbeat." Then their food arrived, taking Seokjin and Yoongi's attention away from the two, just in time as Mortem mumbled a "but we have no heart" to himself.

(F/N) didn't comment, since he knew it might just catch the interest of their companions in another way. He didn't react big when Seokjin laughed. Thinking that Mortem's line was a joke of some sort.

Yoongi knew that (F/N) caught HIM raising an eyebrow but he didn't pay much attention to them afterwards as he ate his food. The three continuing to throw around jokes.

He scoffed to himself.

If only Seokjin hyung knew.

Aaaaaaaah;;; hello it's been months;; i've just finished my namjin story, and now i can focus on this before starting on Artist, thank you for reading if you're still here! 💛

anyway i may not be able to write tomorrow;; i have a regional quiz bee to participate in on Tuesday,, I need to revise hehe ^^


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