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Chapter 3

Michael's P.O.V.

I saw that smelly girl bump right into Jesse, it was really quite funny, I mean, she just seemed so out of it. Jesse, on the other hand, clearly saw her coming but he didn't budge. He let her bump into him. I don't think he expected their collision to be so hard though haha humans feel pain so easily.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!"

"Oh don't worry about it! I'm fine. You, however, do not look so well. Are you okay? You have a bump on your forehead already!"

"Oh no that wasn't you," I knew the girl was blushing I could smell her blood rising to her cheeks gosh not that smell again.

"It's from this morning, I sort of had a fight with the stairs and lost," ah so this was a regular thing for her.

"Oh so I'm not the only one you injured today," I could see Jesse's green eyes were looking just below her neck. He was totally checking out her rack, which made me realize I hadn't even peeked, that was surprising.

"I guess not...sorry again," the girl walked off leaving Jesse starring off after her. Did she notice he was flirting?

I waited a little longer to see if anything else would happen, maybe she would open the locker and hit her head seeing as she apparently had a habit of doing that, she didn't though. She was back in her own world and didn't even notice Jesse was still there. Jesse started to frown, probably because he realized she was not going to further their conversation. I burst out laughing. This girl just had no idea that this boy was so obviously into her! He looked like a sad puppy! I had barely been here a day and already noticed the looks all the girls gave him (I got the same looks), except for this one. This was the only one who didn't melt in his presence and yet this was the one he clearly wanted. Poor, sad puppy.

I hadn't realized I was still laughing so hard but from the looks this girl was giving me I must have been loud. She did not look pleased and she was storming towards me. I glanced around and realized the three of us were the only ones still in the hall. I could practically see the steam coming off her, which made me laugh even more, she looked so cute mad. I finally got a good view of her body, she was wearing a purple fitted button down shirt and the first two buttons were undone. I continued scanning her body, down to her tanned legs, which were showing in her jeans skirt. I wonder how big her ass...

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!" she bellowed at me, pulling me from my thoughts and amusing me even more. Though, I won't lie, she looked a little scary. I even saw Jesse's eyes widen and he took off with his blonde hair flying...guess she scared him.

"Apparently something that you don't think is very funny," I gave her my dreamy smile I knew the girls loved.

"Look I am having a bad day and I don't need an asshole I don't even know laughing at me! Especially the SAME asshole that gave me the most disgusted look I have ever seen in my life for no fucking reason!" oh so she noticed that.

"I wasn't really laughing at you...more at the situation. Sweetheart you're completely oblivious to the fact that Jesse likes you. As for that 'disgusted look' I don't know what you're talking about you must have mixed me up with someone else," but she didn't seem to be listening. She seemed to be in pain because she was grasping at her head and scrunching her eyebrows.

"Whatever I don't have the energy for this," she turned quickly...a little too quickly since she seemed to sway a bit before regaining herself.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good," I was worried she would fall to the ground and injure her head again.

She didn't reply, but flung her hand back in a dismissive jester. I debated following her; she really didn't seem well.

Lily's P.O.V.

I had to get away from everything; my head felt like it was about to explode. I need water, water always makes me feel better but shit I'm not at home I can't go in the pool and I sure as hell can't drive in this condition.

My cell phone in my pocket started vibrating and I knew it was Kelsey before I even checked.

The text said, "Lil J shopping time! I'll pick you up from your house in 15!"

I really wanted to go shopping with her but I couldn't; my head was hurting too much.

I started to reply, "Kel I got a killer migraine, prob from that fall this morning -_- we can go 2moro kk! Sorry!"

I turned off my phone.

Walking towards the pool I had never even been in, I wondered if everyone was gone by now. The school had only ended a little while ago but everything seemed quiet, plus the halls had been empty besides Jesse and Michael and they probably left now anyway. As for the teachers, I heard they were having an important meeting. I glanced at my watch: 2:34. The meeting had started a little while ago.

Perfect no one will ever know I was there and I could actually be..myself. I smiled through the pain in my head. I quietly opened the door making sure no one was there and I snuck in. I immediately took off my skirt and shirt. Looking down at my black swimsuit I pondered what I should take off next. I had to take off my bottom I had already ripped a few too many bottom pieces from when I changed back to my tail; I always forgot to take it off before I changed. Ugh but I didn't want to go commando in the school pool ew! This was quite the dilemma, I didn't want to rip my brand new bikini bottom but I didn't want to get germs and I had to make up my mind fast because I couldn't take too long – I didn't want to risk getting caught.

I took off the bikini bottom deciding even if I had it on the water would still go through it, not to mention it would mean it would rip and I wouldn't have anything to put on under my skirt after.

I eased my way into the pool, immediately getting goose bumps. Damn it was cold...too cold for my liking. The sea always felt like the perfect temperature to me, though I imagined if I was a human it would probably feel cold. The water was just by my hips and I sunk into the water allowing it to fully engulf me.

I completely relaxed and closed my eyes allowing myself to transform. The familiar sensation flowed through my hips turning my legs into a long and smooth, piercing green tail. I opened my eyes just in time to see the end of my tail growing purple. Only royals had the end of their tails purple. Other mermen and mermaids had any other color at the end of their tail but never purple.

Swimming as graceful as ever, the pain in my head gradually swept away, leaving me more than content. I was at the bottom of the pool looking up at the surface of the water pretending I was in the sea when I heard a door creep open.

I instinctively switched back to my human form and cursed that I didn't put my bikini bottom in the pool incase this happened. OMFG I am at the bottom of the pool half naked SHIT! What was I going to say? What lie was I going to make up? If it's a teacher I am going to be so embarrassed! Maybe I'll be lucky and it will just be a student, preferably a girl. God I hope it's not a g –

Hands grabbed my shoulder and started pulling me towards the surface. I was so flustered with my thoughts I didn't even realize when this stranger had entered the pool and I couldn't get myself to look up to his face...yes it was a guy I could tell by his amazing 6 pack I was staring at.

I was suddenly grateful that I shaved down there the night before.

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