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Lily's P.O.V.

After everything was explained to Skip and Randall by Michael and Ian, there was silence in the house. I considered breaking it but decided not to because I preferred the silence to the shouts, I had enough of men and their testosterone for one day, or at least vampires and mermen. I also had this nagging feeling like there was something I was supposed to do tonight but I couldn't remember what.

I got tired of waiting for someone to speak so I left the kitchen and went to Ian's room, I found my cell phone under the clothes Michael had put together. Of course it was turned off so I had to turn it on. I needed some personal relaxing time so I made myself a bath and settled in, turning back into a mermaid. The moment I got comfy my cell started vibrating like crazy, luckily it was in reaching distance. I had a few voice mails and ten text messages, I deleted all the voice messages without listening to them, I already knew it was Jill, Bill and Rachael asking where I was plus, I hated listening to voice messages.. I moved onto the texts now, just scrolling down not actually clicking any, just as I expected they were all from Nila, Lisa, Kelsey and Chris. I figured I should call the house first, they were probably freaking out, I would go through the texts after.

After a fifteen minute call of apologizing and assuring them I was alright, I placed my phone back down and sunk into the bath tub, the chorus of "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles made me jolt back up to the surface, that was my assigned tone for texts. I picked back up the phone and clicked the new text, it was from someone I didn't have saved.

The text read: Hey Lily, it's Jesse from school, I'm not a stalker or anything I got your number from Chris, I hope we're still on for tonight, the drive in? Anyway I wanted to know if u wanted me to pick you up or if u just wanted to meet there, also do u wanna c it at 8 o'clock or 10? 

So that's what I had to do tonight, I completely forgot about the date and it's already 7 o'clock, shit what do I do? More importantly what do I wear? No wait, shit I'm with Ian crap, but he's my teacher oh my gosh I'm one of THOSE girls! The girls that sleep with their teachers, I mean technically we haven't done the deed yet but still! What have I gotten myself into? The twins were right,I wasn't thinking straight and things were moving too fast.

I needed to get out of the bath and go and talk to everyone, that was the first step. I looked around the bathroom for a towel but didn't see any. Great no towel, just what I needed right now.

"IAN! I NEED A TOWEL!" I shouted. Ian was the only one that had seen me topless and I'd like to keep it that way.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door, Ian fast as always.

"Come in!"

The door opened and Ian walked in then stopped in the middle of his steps and stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just..wow"

"Wow what? You've seen my tail before and just a little while ago you saw me naked."

"Ye I know but when I saw you with your tail you weren't topless like you are now, you just look so...amazing and natural. You're a mermaid goddess Lily Sapphire."

I smiled, "Glad you approve."

"Oh I do, I definitely do."

I changed back into my human form and stood up waiting for him to give me the towel. I was fully aware of his eyes scanning every inch of my body, I had to admit I was thoroughly enjoying being appraised. Come on, what girl wouldn't?

I made a big waving gesture with my hand to get his attention, "Um Ian, are you going to just stand there and stare at me or are you going to come and give me the towel," I couldn't help but giggle.

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