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Chapter 4

Lily's P.O.V.

"Are you okay? You were under for so long!" shrieked the handsome boy, every word dripping with concern.

"I...um...uh," I couldn't form anything coherent. I was lost in his light green eyes, I had never seen eyes that color before, it was such a light green. Those eyes reached out to my heart I could almost feel the sorrow that was staring back at me.

Then his face changed right before me...from concern to surprise to confusion to amusement then finally to embarrassment. That snapped me out of it, whilst I was getting lost in his eyes he was eying my body...my whole bottomless body.

I snatched my swimsuit bottom from the pool deck, which was luckily right next to me and I tried to get it on as fast as possible, all the while blushing like an idiot. Thankfully the man averted his eyes from me.

When I got the swimsuit bottom on we stayed in the pool staring at each other in awkward silence. I tried to think of what to say...

Mystery Guy's P.O.V.

My brain searched for something...anything to say to this poor girl who looked so embarrassed. When I jumped into the pool to get her I had no idea she didn't have a bottom piece on all I was thinking about was how long she had been under. I was walking down the hall when I heard a splash, curious I went up to the door leading to the pool and stared through the glass door at the pool. That's when I saw her at the bottom of the pool not moving...I shook the image out of my head, I couldn't even tell it was a person at the time, I thought I saw a flash of green. I just knew whatever it was, it wasn't moving, and then instincts took over.

"I wasn't drowning I was fine," she stated in a matter of fact tone, it was the first time I heard her say anything coherent.

"I was just trying to help but obviously you didn't need it. You can hold your breath for a long time," I replied mimicking her tone.

Her blue eyes widened making her eyes even bigger. Was that fear? Whatever it was it was immediately replaced by anger.

"Exactly, I didn't need your help! You should mind your own business!" the words were so cold I was a bit taken back.

The pool door suddenly swung open making both of us jump.

Lily's P.O.V.

Michael walked in looking confused and slightly amused. This made me even more pissed, first this guy comes and goes all prince charming trying to save the damsel in distress and now asswipe walks in. I was so close to being caught!

I climbed out the pool and started walking towards my clothes ignoring the feeling that four eyes followed me. Normally I would be flattered by the attention but I was too pissed off and still embarrassed by this whole situation. Not to mention, worried about getting out of this without any of them figuring out my secret.

"You know your swimsuit bottom is inside out," I turned my head to face Michael who was staring at my ass.

Something about that smug look on his face snapped me out of my embarrassment; anger took over all other emotions.

I walked straight up to him so that there was only a few centimeters between our lips, he didn't budge. I looked down at his lips and purred, "like what you see?"

Michael didn't say anything he just nodded. I removed my eyes from his lips and looked at his eyes which were glued to my lips. I slowly leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

Michael's P.O.V.

She leaned in looking and I was took a breath in, waiting for her to nibble my ear but instead she whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"Check my ass out again and you won't be able to reproduce," the way she said it you could have sworn she was saying something sexy and perverted not threatening me.

With that, she walked back to her clothes, picked them up and walked out without giving me or Ian another look.

I was shocked and damn I needed a cold shower, I jumped into the pool joining my brother who hadn't removed his eyes from the door.

"Dude snap out of it!" I shoved his shoulder, which seemed to work because his head snapped to me.

"You shouldn't have embarrassed her like that Michael you're so immature," he gave me his famous disappointing look.

"She threatened to hurt my manhood and I'M the immature one!" knowing full well that he heard her whisper to me.

"You deserved it and it's about time someone told you off. I bet it's killing you that a girl isn't into you," he smirked at me and I returned with a glare.

"Whatever she's just hiding it. Let's get out of here before anyone comes and asks questions. I can't have the girls thinking I'm gay," Ian rolled his eyes at me but got out of the pool.

"So how did the meeting go? Are you officially a teacher at this school?" I asked.

"Yes I am so when we are in class its Mr. Johnson to you," he was enjoying this way too much, I sighed.

"Unfortunately, so what class are you teaching?"

"Something fun for once, music!"

"Oh joy!" sarcasm clear in my voice. "Hey about that girl, did you notice anything strange?"

"Other than the fact that she's breathtakingly beautiful, no. Oh actually, I did think she smelt kind of..."

"Bad? Horrible? Worst thing you have ever smelt?" I offered.

He frowned at me.

"Michael, don't be mean. Yes her smell isn't appealing but it's kind of a relief not having to resist the urge to suck her blood out."

---Next Day---

Lily's P.O.V.

I was not looking forward to seeing Michael today or that mystery man, that mystery beautiful man. How old was he, he looked about 21 but his eyes said he was much older. Who was he? Okay so maybe I was looking forward to seeing him, just a little even though it will be awkward. Now that I was not being humiliated I was able to appreciate his golden hair, light tan skin and manly jaw line. I dreamed of him last night, more specifically of his glistening abs and arms that I wanted all over me.

Of course in my dream I was not being humiliated, quite the opposite actually. Let's just say he was touching me in a certain area... Not that I would let it show that I was seriously attracted to him, as if. I was known to play hard to get at my old school.


The bell brought me back to my class. I quickly stuffed all my crap back into my Marc Jacobs and hurried off to my third period. I felt my skirt swaying side to side as I hurried down the hall, I was wearing a white flowing skirt that reached just above my knees with a plain fitted purple tee. I thought about my next class. Literature, great my favorite person in the world was in that class.

A hand grabbed my ass gently and I swirled around to see who the molester was. Ah of course, speak of the devil!

A sexy smile spread across Michael's lips and to my utter shock he leaned towards me closing the space between us whilst staring at my lips.

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