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Lily's P.O.V.

I slowly turned around to face whoever it was, silently praying that it wasn't Michael, I was in a good mood from playing the piano and I knew he would ruin it.

Just my luck, it was the idiot but he wasn't alone.

Michael's P.O.V.

Finally it was Friday! I hate school, I don't know why Ian insists we go, for heaven sakes we know more than any of the teachers, but no Ian wanted to settle down and get a job meaning I had to go to school like any other teenager. Except in my case I didn't go to learn, I went so that I wouldn't stand out.

Speaking of my brother...

"What took you so long?" Ian finally made it to our car.

"I had to pack up my things Michael. I am a teacher, it gets a little hectic you know," bad mood much?

"Whatever man, lets go. I'm sick of looking at this place," we got in the car and were about to leave when Ian let out a long sigh and starting hitting his head against the steering wheel.

"What the hell are you doing? I knew you would lose it one day but couldn't you wait till we got home? So inconsiderate," I mumbled the last part.

He stopped hitting his head and turned his head to face me.

"I forgot the tests I have to mark this weekend in my draw so I have to go back and get them smart ass," he had that look on his face and I knew not to make another smart-ass comment or else I would be very sorry. To strangers Ian is a nice, maybe even cool guy, and he was but I knew the other side of him. It's a side I only saw a couple times when, someone or something seriously pissed him off. He was not a guy to mess with; he could be very dangerous with the fighting skills he acquired when we grew up. Who could blame him though? Our situation in the past demanded such skills and since he was the older brother he immediately took on the protective roll. He was a fast learner and every time he got beat by someone he walked away with new skills and eventually he became unbeatable.

"I'll be back in a second," he called to me, stepping out the car. It was amazing he could be so...nice and well, human. I had a rough time too, but nothing compared to what he went through and yet he was more human than I was. How does he do that? Sighing, I realized I had no excuse to be an asshole, I vowed to try to be half the man (or vampire) Ian is.

"Hey wait up man! I'll come with," Ian gave me a questioning look that I shrugged off as I joined him.

As we walked down the empty hall I started to hear music, a piano to be exact. Ian and I exchanged glances but continued walking. I could tell that whoever was playing had a lot of passion, maybe too much because they kept stopping and restarting the piece every time they made a mistake – even the slightest mistake. I was getting annoyed of hearing them restart so many times, why couldn't they just continue playing when they made a mistake and go back after? The answer came to me as I heard the person curse loudly when they made another mistake.

I noticed Ian had a puzzling look on his face, as if trying to figure who was playing. Oh right, he was the music teacher.

We reached the room and we both stopped dead in our tracks. A girl was sat at the piano furthest to back. I knew it was Lily from the cursing but still, she was quite a sight at the piano. The word goddess came to mind. I glanced over at Ian and he looked, amazed? I watched him for at least five minutes and his green eyes never left Lily, you would think he saw an angel. What was up with that? My conscious tugged on me and reminded me of what I vowed just a minute ago.

A tug–o–war battle was going on in my head as I watched Lily play, occasionally sneaking a peek at Ian whom I'm convinced hasn't blinked yet. I was starting to like her, it was intriguing chasing after her. She was a challenge, and I hadn't had one in a long time. See it is a rare thing to find a girl that does not want me. My looks and charm is hard to resist after all. So why doesn't she want me like all the other girls in this school? My conscious questioned me "if she did want you, would you still want her?" I honestly don't know, that was the most appealing thing about her after all. I don't even know her, I never tried to get to know her, I immediately began flirting with her when I realized she wasn't into me. Shit I never had a real conversation with the girl. My conscious once again made me rethink my motives, "is it fair to go after a girl that you don't even know when your brother obviously likes her?" I didn't have to think about the answer to this, it was obvious, it wasn't fair at all. I hadn't seen Ian look at a girl like that since...Aria. That was almost two hundred years ago, that's two hundred years of being broken.

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