Chapter 14

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"You're being an idiot, you know that right?" Michael shouted, as I stormed out the room. I had made up my mind to return home to help my father. We had all been arguing over it for half an hour, Michael and I getting the loudest. 

"No you're being an idiot!" I replied.

"How am I being an idiot?"

"You just are!" I turned around and threw a book at him.

"Well how can I argue with that logic?" Michael gracefully dogged the book and sat down looking - to my annoyance - amused. I considered throwing something else at him but ignored the urge, as I knew there was no point, it would never hit him.

"Are you two still arguing about Lily going back home?" Skip asked as he walked into the living room.


"Yes."  Michael and I spoke at the same time, except he said no and I said yes.

"There is no argument as she simply isn't going back there, it's suicide. Its as simple as that," said Michael.

Once again I resisted the urge to throw something at him. Instead I tried to think of a way to get back home, either with his approval or not. I thought about going without him or Ian knowing, maybe when they weren't home. No, at least one of them was always home babysitting me. Then I remembered they were stupid vampires, I couldn't run from them, I couldn't sneak away, they were fast and could hear everything. The only way I could go was with their approval. I looked up at Michael, and couldn't believe the words that were about to spill out my mouth.

"Then come with me," the words came out softer than I had intended.

Michael simply stared at me, Skip looked confused.

"What did you say?" Michael asked.

"I thought you could hear everything, vampire ears and all."

"I fear my ability to hear everything has failed me, I couldn't have possibly heard correctly."

"I said come with me."


"Home, to the castle."

"The castle that's in the sea?"

"Yes Michael you know very well that's where my home is."

"Do you realize what you're saying? Inviting a vampire to go to a mermaid's home that is in the sea? A vampire that doesn't have gills to breathe underwater, a bloody vampire in the sea Lily!" Michael was  walking towards me now, Skip had sat down I could see his brain, ticking away. Randall and Ian entered the room. Randall looked excited, whereas Ian looked stressed and concerned.

When I didn't reply Michael spoke again.

"Have you lost your mind?"

I thought about it for a second, then met his eyes and replied, "maybe, or maybe I just found it."

The room was silent.

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