Chapter 13- A Self-Centered World

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Jazz's P.O.V.

We came home and found some black haired lady trying to kill Liu. My dad kicked her ass, though. Opal practically flew to her room, but she didn't notice her phone fall out of her pocket. Stupid, stupid Opal. Say that in the Gollum voice, I'm a huge fan of Lord Of The Rings.

So, I picked it up and looked over her texts. I found a few interesting ones, like some girl trying to convince her to come out and smoke weed. She was probably thinking about it, so I turned the girl down anyway. I didn't need my sister becoming a drug addict.

Then, before I could read Silver's, my dad took the phone. "Jazz, some of those things might be secret. No looking. I sighed, nodding sadly. It was a damn shame, too. I kind of liked Silver. He was really shy and sweet, something I needed more of in my life. Something normal and good to keep my feet on the ground. He was probably just asking out Opal, anyway.

My dad walked in and handed Opal her phone. My dad smiled and tried to kiss her head but she quickly moved it. "Yeah, Dad. At twelve I'm totally gonna still let you kiss my head. It's totally not stupid and awkward, and it doesn't make you look like a big pedo at all." Looking at my dad and seeing how badly this hurt him made me mad. How could she talk to come of the people who gave her life like that?!

I'm surprised he didn't belt her. It's something she'd definitely have coming, all of the kids she's bullied at school, all the times she's disrespected and talked back to dad and mom, and all the guys she's slept with at age eleven alone probably deserve at least one belt to the ass. Maybe it'd be kinda funny.

"You can kiss me on the head, daddy." I still called him dad. Smiling and bending my head down, I felt him kiss  the top of my head. I hugged him. "Love you, Daddy." Okay maybe I was a bit of a kiss-ass. But hey, at least my dad looked happier. I loved seeing my dad happy. He always looked happy either after Opal, my mom, or I show him affection (my mom is always making out with him... Ew), or after he's come back from a good killing spree.

When my dad left the room I glared at Opal. "Okay, who the fuck do you think you are to treat him like that? That man kept me from reading your texts, has saved your life more than once, and is part of the reason you exist. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that." She rolled her eyes. "It isn't cool always having daddy with you. Sometimes you gotta tell him you don't need him and just push him away." Anger filled me. "If you didn't need him then why did you need BEN to save you from Pinkamena?" I let that bit of tough logic sink in. "Ugh. You know, I'd rather have one of my friends be my twin sister. They're awesome and not stupid and fugly like you." Okay I was about to punch her lights out.

"The only ugly thing here is you." I hissed. "Treating family like shit isn't okay." She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever." That was her response to everything. I felt a rage beginning to take hold of me. I gripped my pocket with my pocket knife in it. Wait... Was I tempted to kill my sister?! Holy shit, am I that batty? Immediately letting go of my knife I shook my head. "Opal, why are you so self centered? You never use to be like this." Opal shrugged. "You have to be self centered. It's a self centered world, it's how you survive."

A self centered world? A world filled with people like Opal and her shallow friends? That isn't any kind of world I'd like to live in.

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