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When I got home that night I felt good, not good, amazing. It really started at break, that was when I knew I was really included. All that happened was that Maia bought me a drink but that's all it took. One act of kindness to show that there was more to come and I, quite frankly, couldn't bare to wait a moment longer.

        I walked into my living room to see my mum sat on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle.

       "Hi, mum." I lingered in the doorway and she turned around with a massive smile on her face. It was nice to see, my mum never smiled, she always just looked so upset and hopeless but for once I just saw happiness, and that made me happy for her.

         "Make us both a cup of tea, I have news." I did as she ordered and returned with two piping hot cups of tea. I handed one to my mother and kept one to myself. She sipped her tea and just sat there beaming. "...Well...?" I said with an enthusiastic giggle.

        "I've got an invite, an invite for a job interview, isn't it great?!" She beamed at me waiting for my reaction.

        "What job?" I asked after I had some of my tea.

       "So, you know Penny who worked at the bakery with me? Well, there is a position as head baker at the bakery that her sister owns in town." She began, "So, Penny called her sister and explained how good I am a baker and her sister gave me a buzz today and... Well... I have an interview!"

       I was so happy for her, I mean, we'd been here for about 4 days and we were doing just about as well as eachother.

        "That's great news, mum." I smiled and I laughed to myself slightly. She smiled at me and then picked herself of the sofa.

     "I'm thinking to have a celebratory tea of pancakes." She said as she made her way to the kitchen, and then my heart dropped, no way could I hold that down, no way at all. I imagined the fat just adding on to my body and I just thought how lucky my mum was. She worked in a bakery she was fed up with cakes and so she remained slim constantly, it was always me who gained the weight because when I was a younger I could just never stop and I hated myself for it. "Sound good?" She shouted from the kitchen.



         After tea and the following normalities I made my way to my bedroom. As soon as I entered I felt safe, safe from everything, from gaining weight, from people judging me just from everything. I sat down on my bed and pulled up my laptop from the floor. I switched the power on and opened up Facebook and I had 4 friend requests. 4. I repeat 4. 4 people had invited me to be their friend. Me. Jason Brewer. 

       I clicked on the button to see the names listed 'Maia Burgess' 'Xahria Smith' 'Dominic Coleman' 'Luke Hayes' I felt overwhelmed they had all sent me requests. All excluding Xavier that was. I just couldn't fathom the feeling of being accepted by them, the populars, so to speak. I calmed down slightly and accepting them all hesitating before Luke's slightly.

        Then I got a message, I looked down to see a chat box with Maia's name on. I clicked it open instantly.

                    Heyyaa, Jason xxx

       I typed as fast as possible.

                    Hi Maia :P

                    I just wanted to invite you to my party on Friday night, do you think you can make it?xxx

                   Yeah, I should be able to, I'll ask my mum and let you know by tomorrow, haha

                    Great, my address is 17 Hayden Lane, Halewood obviously xxx

                    Fantastic, thank you

                   Ugh, so bored, it's still light. Wanna meet up? xxx

        That was an offer that I wouldn't refuse, making a friend one day and she wants to meet up that same night. That's an achievement.

                  Yeah, sure, where??

                   You know the park? Meet there in 10 minutes? Need to get changed xxx

         I did know the park, luckily enough I lived on the same road as the park so this was going to be easy for me. I was scared she'd say somewhere I didn't know, and I'd be forced to find it without being late, but that pressure was gone straight away. I jumped off my bed and straight to the suitcase full of my clothes on the floor, I tipped it out and examined my varied, yet small, variety of clothes and settled for a pair of jeans and a checked polo-shirt.

         I changed within 5 minutes and jogged down the stairs and went straight to the iving room where my mum sat watching Friends.

         "Erm, mum, I'm off out."

         "With who, haha?" She looked bemused.

         "A friend, of course."

        She looked up at me and smiled, smiled even wider than she did when she announced her news. "Second day at school and you've made friends already, we're not doing too bad here are we?"

         "No. We're not, are we?"

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