Chapter 9 - Desperation

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  • Dedicated to Oreos


I woke up feeling too excited for someone waking up on a Monday. Today the announcements of the names of the final basketball Team, new Cheerleaders, the cast of the play and some other stuff students had applied to during the past month were coming out. I really hoped I could take a role in that play. Also, my friends would be so happy if they were accepted. I strated imagining Ellie as a cheerleader. it would suit her if you ask me. with her long blonde locks and good looks she'd be ideal.

she had been one afterall...

I got up from my bed, entered my bathroom and turned on the hot shower. I set my playlist and turned on my I-pod so the music would echo through the bathroom. I loved doing this.

9 songs later, I got out, brushed my teeth then got into the room to get dressed. I wasn't really feeling like looking out for my looks today so I picked out a random shirt and a pair of jeans and my vans. I held my hair up in a ponytail then added alittle lip gloss and mascara then headed to school.

When I arrived I found a huge crowd in the hallway. they were gathered around a big board hanging on the wall. apparently, those were the announcements. I heared groans, complains, cheers, congratualtions and screams of joy. I digged my way through the crowd till I spotted a familiar blonde known as my best friend. she was talking to some girls with a big grin on her face. I tapped her shoulder. she looked at me then told them 'I'll be back in a minute.' she turned to me.

"Hey, Sam. How are you?" she said akwardly. something was wrong with her. that wasn't the Ellie I saw before the weekend.

"Hey, I'm fine. so, how did you do?" I said with a smile.

"Oh, good. I'm a cheerleader now." she smiled. "actually, I knew before today. Carmen, Caitlin and the other girls told me over the weekend. they had seen the new Cheerleaders list and my name was on it." she finished.

So, that was where she had been the whole weekend? she left me all alone on a Saturday night to hang out with the cheerleaders? I couldn't help but feel a bit upset.

but then again... who wouldn't leave the loser to be with the cheerleaders?

"Oh... congratulations." I said with a forced smile. she smiled then went back to those girls.

I checked the play's cast list for my name. good. I was the heroine's alternate, in case something happened to her. well, that was better than nothing, right? I have also seen Oliver's name in the basketball team. I felt happy for him. he's been practicing for this daily all summer long. I looked around but couldn't find him anywhere.

I went and sat alone under a tree in the playground. as simple as it was. this kinda hurt. she ditched me on a weekend and lied and said she was sick to leave me and go hang out with them. she may have not realized, but she unintentionally ruined that little lie of her's when she said she was with them.

But why? why would she lie to me? why would she leave me like this? weren't I her best friend? was all that just because they were little miss perfects? because they were prettier, better, more stylish and popular and-

No, wait!


I couldn't help but feel broken as the whole thing hit me. was she just using me all the time to have someone to be with until she was popular... Again?!

well, I'll explain. I probably haven't told you how I became besties with Ellie in ninth grade, Well here's the story...

Long ago, Elena was The most popular girl in wooden bay high. it was our freshman year and she was wildly popular since middle school. she also was the head cheerleader. she's always been until that day. The cheerleaders were working on that pyramid thing that cheerleaders did. they had practiced a lot for it 'cause this time, there were going to be witnesses from a lot of places and other elite schools. this meant alot to the whole team. Ellie was supposed to be on the very top. on the day of the match, somehow she had stumbled and fell down. she fell down and took the pyramid, her popularity, and everything down with her. the whole team and their coach had blamed it all on her. she was banned from cheerleading for the rest of the year. I stood up for her and defended her and all that crap... and that was how we became friends.

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