Chapter 27 - Personally, I'd rather end up as bacon.

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Chap. 27

Sam's P.O.V

As soon as I read those texts, I just got up and started running out of the beach house and towards my car. I drove towards the hospital where they kept my mom. I couldn't even stop to reply to the texts or to explain anything to Tyler or Richard... Or even Lily. 

I couldn't hear or feel anything that was happening around me after I read Alex's last text. The only thing that was on my mind was 'I had to get there'. I didn't even know if any one had tried to stop me or talk to me.

I just got up and ran.

I drove quickly. Not caring if I had passed the speed limit. I didn't even bother looking at the speedometer. All I knew and could think of was that I had to get there as soon as possible. My mind wasn't working straight.

When I had finally reached the hospital, I rushed through the corridors in a hurry. Not even stopping to see where I was or where was I heading. Feeling the need to see my mom and to talk to her. She was awake. I couldn't even process the whole thing at all until now.

I was really worried about her. Although she had woken up, there was definitely something seriously wrong happening before that. The texts, and they way every one had talked to me there as if I should be bawling my eyes out on her, it told me that something was wrong.

When I reached the place where my mom's room was located, I spotted Alex's blonde hair. He was sitting on a chair with his face buried into his palms. I didn't even know if he was awake or not. But the movent of his hands when he moved then to pinch the bridge of his nose, told me he was sober.

"Alex? What's wrong?" I asked. It was only then when I realized that my voice was strained and low from all the crying. I didn't even notice I was crying until then.

Alex lifted his face and looked up at me. When my eyes met my brother's green ones, I could see a rush of relief. As if he wanted me to be there with him, no, as if he needed  me to be there with him.

I noticed that his face was streaked with tears. I didn't mention it 'cause I knew how much guys hated it when someone acknowledged their crying. There were bags under his eyes and he looked as if he had gotten no sleep in more than 24 hours. I felt so sorry for him.

Alex got up and approached me. He gave me a weak smile before he gave me a tight hug. He burried his face into my hair and I could feel him trying to not sob. It was times like this that I had the need to protect him and to make him feel better. It was times like this when our roles, for once, were reversed.

This time, I was his shoulder to cry on.

"It's okay, she'll be alright, I promise," I said with a kind smile. He pulled away slightly to look down at me.

"Sh-She won't die, Sam. Right?" He asked hopefully. As if trying to convince himself.

"No, of course not, you idiot!" I said as I punched his arm playfully.

He smiled at me weakey. "I really hope that nothing would go wrong," He said desperately. "If anything happened to her, I would only find myself to blame." He admitted seriously.

"She will be okay, Alex. Trust me. She's strong." I promised with a reassuring smile.

He was about to say something more when a doctor came over towards us. I noticed that he was the same old man from that time when I yelled at him. Back when we discovered her illness. He was also there when my mom had gotten in the hospital before they kept her there.

I noticed that I had gone to this hospital too many times this year that it was comical. I really could use a yearly membership in this hospital. If only hospitals were like clubs.

"Are there any news, doctor?" Alex asked hurriedly.

The man smiled lightly, "Her case is steady for now," He said with a nod. "You can visit her in about five minutes. A nurse shall come and get you inside," He explained.

"Thank you," Alex said and shook the man's hand. The doctor nodded firmly then walked away.

An awkward silence fell on the place until a short chubby lady, whom from her unifrom I knew she was the nurse, came towards us. She looked like she was in her late 30s and she smiled at us kindly when she stopped before us.

"You're here for Mrs. Walters, right?" She asked and we both nodded. "Alright then, you can follow me, please," She said then she turned towards the door.

She got a set of keys out of her coat's pocket then started fiddling with them until she found the room's keys. When she oppened the door and stepped in, we just followed her into the room.

It was then when the sickening feeling got over me. The amount of white in the room made me sick like it always did along with the smell of medications floathing in the air. I wasn't aware enough of all that before now, maybe because my mind had been more preoccupied by my brother.

My eyes wandered around the room. There, on the white small bed in the middle of the room, laid my mom. She was sleeping. I smiled when I saw her. She looked so peaceful with her eyes closed.

I  had always admired how she was always strong. Any other person would spend their day and night crying hopelessly, knowing that they could die any minute. I really hoped that she would get well soon. And I really admired her strength and bravery.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I approached the bed carefully. Trying not to wake her up, I pulled a chair and sat down on it after I had positioned it beside the bed. And then, I just stared at my mom's face.

She seemed to be murmuring something in her sleep. I figured out that she was dreaming. I was curious to know what was she dreaming of.

Would she be dreaming of food and candy people like me? That would be awesome, to be honest. I had always wanted someone to share my awesome dreams with.

I didn't notice when Alex sat beside me. All I knew that he was just there auddenly when I glanced beside me. We just stayed there in silence for what felt like forever before my mom finally started waking up.

When she opened her eyes and saw us, she looked shocked and happy at the same time. She smiled at us and I could se the tears welling up in her eyes. I smiled at her.

"Hey, I've missed you, guys!!" She said weakely. It was clear that she was struggling with the illness. She tried to sit up but I outstretched a hand towards her shoulder, trying to hold her down and stop her.

"stay, mom, you don't need to get up. Rest," I said with a smile.

"Mom, I'm so gald you're okay." Alex said honestly. I was sure that he hated to see her like this. He was doing his best to hold back the tears, and I was grateful for it. I knew that mom would be more miserable if she saw him crying.

"I'm so glad I'm okay, too," She said with a smirk.

"So, what happened, mom? The doctor told me earlier that you had an emotional break down, and that was why you're here," Alex said. That was new information to me. I was now too curious to know what had caused my mom to break down.

"I..." She trailed off but then she had stopped. As if remembering or realizing something important. Her face paled. I knew that something was wrong.

She looked straight into my eyes, "He... He's back Sam!! He's back and he's there for you!!" She excalimed. I could tell she was panicking. I wanted to calm her down. I knew that this wouldn't be good for her state.

One of the machines that were connected to her started beeping loudly. There was something wrong. The nurse came quickly through the door and asked us to get out. When we did so, Alex and I just stood in front of the door. Watching as the doctors and nurses kept going in and out of the room in a rush.

I was scared. What was happening, now? And who did she mean by "He's back?" Who was back? And why was he after me of all people?

I really needed to find out many answers to every thing.

A few minutes later, another nurse told us that visits were banned at the moment and that we had to leave. I sighed in defeat then just followed Alex out of the hospital.

When we had gotten out of the hospital and reached the parking lot, I got into Alex's car. He was going to just get mine later from there. 

When we had arrived home, I got into my room to take a shower. Alex also told me that he'll be in his room next door so I would just check on him later.

I looked down at myself and realized that I was still wearing Tyler's clothes. I blushed as I rememberd how he said he liked the way I smelled last night before he fell asleep. It made me feel good and dream of butterflies all night, as cheesy as that sounded.

Though to be honest, my dreams were far from butterflies, If you know what I mean. But still, they were about food. Food was heavenly stuff, right?

So, to maintain that 'smell', I knew that it was either I needed to get more of that cherry blossom shower gel I had used since my childhood and store a life time amount of it in case they stop making it, or he just was cocky and liked the smell of his shirt. And that would mean I would have to raid his wardrobe.

Yeah, I know, I was stupid thinking that my smell might make him like me, right? But what can I say, I was a lost cause.

I was about to just grab some clothes and get into the bathroom. But then I stopped in my tracks when something flashed through my mind. I really needed to ask Tyler how he knew me before then.

And if he didn't, then what the hell was this whole "I found Samantha" thing about? Was he searching for me to kidnap me or something?

I shook my head then just got into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and adjusted the water so that it wouldn't be too hot or too cold for me. This time of the year needed you to be careful with showers.

Unless you wanted to end up as either frozen chicken, or french fries.

Personally, I'd rather end up as bacon.

I got into the shower and let the water wash all my tiredness away. I really could use some sleep after that shower. I knew already that I had lost the school day. So I would just sleep then see what would I do next.

Which reminded me, I still hadn't talked to Luke about that project. The whole Tyler thing then my mom had gotten my mind away from most of the normal stuff and I ended up more like an adventurer. I really had to keep up with school work. Unless I wanted to fail, of course.

After I had gotten out of the shower, I dressed into a pair of pants and a comfy long sleeved shirt. I would just go to bed, now.

I sat on my bed when I got an idea. I could just go to Luke's, since I knew the adress from that day Jason had taken me to his party.

But then again, it would be just rude if I just barged into a guy's house without permission or any alert. He was not my friend, after all.

And to be honest, It would just look and sound like I'm stalking the guy or something. I didn't have his number or his e-mail so I couldn't let him know I was coming to discuss a project. Also, what if he wasn't even home.

I realized that my 'idea' was so stupid. I just had to contact him and see when does he want to get started with that project. If it even meant anything to him.

I was starting to panic and complain about the fact that I had to wait until the next school day to discuss the project with him when I remembered something important.


He was Jason's best friend, right? It was most likely that he knew a way to contact Luke.

I made up my mind on texting or calling Jason to get some way to reach for Luke as I got out of my bed and walked out of my room. I started walking downstairs and towards the kitchen.

I was going to sort out all the shit that was in my life. But right now, I had to get some Oreo's first. And then devour them with a cup of hot, nice, coffee.



Yay!! Another Update!!

Sorry for not updating earlier.. I am on vacation and it was hard to update, you know.. xD But it's all good now.. :3 Also, I know that this is more of a filler chapter and that it's too short... That's why I'm telling you to expect and update pretty soon.. ;D

So, what do you think was the 'he' Sam's mom meant? And what do you expect to happen next? How do you think Luke will deal with Sam? Tell me what you think!! :D

Also, please let me know what you guys think of the new cover!! ;) :D

Vote & Comment For and Update!! =D ;)

Frozen chicken, fries and a cup of hot, nice, coffee.. ;3

xo-Toka ;)

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